Employee Recognition: Page 2


You Become a Leader by Inspiring Others to Follow

While well-known CEOs make headlines, they're not always people who inspire others to follow them.

Thought Leaders

Simply Expressing Gratitude Will Help You Build an Empire

People won't remember what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel.

News and Trends

Key Trends Shaping Employee Gifting in the Indian Corporate Space

It is important for corporations to upgrade the gifting trends so they are able to cater to all the desires of the people working for them


This is How You can Improve Your Glassdoor Rating

While there can be numerous reason why the X person must have rejected your offer, one of it could be your company's review on Glassdoor.com.


4 Things to Keep in Mind While Appointing a CTO

Though every business demands unique qualities from its CTOs, here are some tips that will help you appoint the right fit for your company

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Invest in Your Business by Developing Leaders From Within

Focus on your mid-level employees to help them grow with your company.

Thought Leaders

People Want to Help the World, But They Want to Be Recognized for It

A recent study found that aspiring millennial entrepreneurs aren't just thinking about how they can help, but if their contribution will be valued by the recipients.


You Can Motivate Your Employees Without Creating a Hyper-Competitive Culture

Creating work atmospheres where people choose to engage and do their best work for the right reasons will lead to sustainable success.

Business News

The Importance of Recognizing Your Employees

You should be doing it everyday.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Keeping Your Employees Happy Isn't Always About Higher Pay -- Here Are 6 Alternatives

Happy employees are productive employees.

Money & Finance

The Best Way to Inspire Creativity in Others Isn't What You Might Think

While everyone appreciates a pat on the back, that's not the most powerful way to promote highly creative thinking.


Indian Billionaire's #4 Tips on How to Win Employees' Trust

When the image of a $103 billion business gets dented, it needs plastering.

Growing a Business

All Business Is Personal: Employees Need Human Connections at Work

Employee engagement starts with meaningful relationships. Companies that don't support those interactions will see productivity tank as their best talent walks.


Why Teamwork Matters at Every Level

Everyone, plus the bottom line, benefits when companies show team members how their daily work contributes to the larger whole.


Your Company's Worth Is Far Greater Than Its Revenue Growth Metrics

A business that ignores the numbers is in trouble. A business that ignores its people is doomed.