Finding Customers: Page 10


12 Ways to Think Outside the Marketing Box and Reach More Customers Online

Find and convert more online customers by sharing free samples, hosting events and even riding the wave of someone else's audience.

Growing a Business

4 Strategies to Help Your Business Reach Its First Million Dollars in Revenue

Offer a great product or service and keep pushing until you reach this milestone.

Growing a Business

Why You Should Be Looking Locally for Customers

Small businesses can -- and should -- target consumers closest to home. Here's how.


Finding the Customers Right In Front of Your Eyes

An interesting anecdote about mattresses, client lists, and prospecting that can give you the insight you need to take your business to a whole new level.

Growing a Business

Finding Your Soul While Hunting 'Whales'

Will you become Ahab, or thrive, when that great big, dreamed-of client comes calling?


Why Even Startups Need to Find New Markets for Established Products

Companies work so hard to develop a loyal customer base they often overlook how tweaking marketing strategy could develop an entirely new segment.


Score a Touchdown in Customer Engagement With These 3 Lessons From the NFL

Pro football provides a great model for entrepreneurs as they seek out loyal, raving fans.

Business Ideas

You Can Have the Best Website Ever, But It Won't Be a Successful Business Without Customers

If you don't have any traffic to your page or subscribers to your email list, all of your efforts won't get you the results you're striving for.

Business News

Twitter Adds Desktop Notifications for Direct Messages

The notifications will be available for all by the end of the week.


8 Great Ways to Get More Subscribers for Your Email List

A lot of registrations can lead to big sales -- but it can be tough to build from scratch.

Growth Strategies

7 effective ways to acquire your first 1,000 customers

Getting to the first 1,000 users is not the most important thing. It's important to speak to the users & understand what motivates them to use products such as yours.

Growing a Business

How Airbnb and Dropbox Achieved Tremendous Growth With Referral Marketing

While you can't create a carbon copy of another business's referral program and expect the same results, you can learn a lot by studying some of their components and strategies.


3 Ways Customer Data Allows for Pinpoint Marketing

Tracking where potential customers have been online makes for exquisitely targeted advertising.

Business Process

How to Provide Multiple 'Wins' Throughout the Customer Lifecycle

Pitching, selling, fulfilling: What should you do at each stage?


6 Ways to Get a Fanatical Customer Base

Passionate customers are the most critical component of building a brand, but you won't gain followers by sitting on your hands.