Finding Customers: Page 8

Growing a Business

5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Gain a Competitive Advantage

If you want to build a company that no longer needs to go head to head with others, you need to build leverage.


Know How These Three Big Brands Attract Consumers

This is how you survive the consumer-centric world!


Neuromarketing: The Science, Art and Opportunity

Neuromarketing providers use neuroscience methods to measure consumers' neurological reactions to products, commercials and brands.

Starting a Business

The How-To: Figuring Out Who Your Customer Is

The number of young entrepreneurs who I talk to, that have thought about every single thing about their enterprise except who exactly are they going to be selling their product or service to, is beyond frightening.

Growing a Business

3 Reasons You Should Be Hanging Out With Your Target Audience

In the long run, knowing your audience will be highly beneficial to your business.

Growing a Business

4 Steps to Maximizing Customer Referrals

You can spend all you want on marketing, but the single-best new customer is still a referred new customer.

Business News

6 Key Ingredients to Successfully Build an Online Audience

It's easy to feel like you can grow a loyal audience in no time using the latest growth hacks or Twitter and Facebook tricks. But the truth is, it's not that simple.

Growing a Business

How to Turn a Reviewer Into a Forever Customer

Fostering loyalty increases the likelihood of long-term growth and sustainability.

Money & Finance

Communicate Your Value, Deliver Even More Than You Pitched -- and Watch Your Income Skyrocket

Normally, I think most "business coaches" are 100 percent full of BS. Then one phone call changed my career.

Business News

All About Buyer Personas: What They Are, Why You Need Them and How to Make Them Effective

Industry leaders encourage constructing buyer personas. Here's what you need to know about them.

Business News

Are You Unknowingly Turning Off Clientele?

Find out which tactics will backfire and what to do instead.


5 Tips From Experts for Creating a Distinctive Brand

Branding gurus Moorea Seal, Melissa Guitron and Kara Goldin have been there, done that in their own businesses.

Growing a Business

A Better Understanding of Consumer Psychology Will Earn You More Online Conversions

The five stages of the customer conversion process are as follows: attention, intrigue, evaluation, trust and compulsion. Follow them diligently.


You'll Never Get New Customers If You Don't Target New Markets

Here are seven ways to broaden your business reach.

Business News

10 Tricks for Generating Website Leads

From being mobile friendly to having a solid SEO foundation, here are a few tips for boosting your website's leads.