History: Page 2

Business News

Is Citigroup Inc. Your Next Dividend Buy (NYSE:C)?

Citigroup (NYSE: C) has a lot of skeletons in its closet. Despite the history of bad behavior, is it still a good stock to purchase?


Did You Know This Actress Was Instrumental in Launching Jack Black's Career? Here's Why Her Pep Talk Mattered.

An icon offered the comedic star a few encouraging words and made a huge difference.

Thought Leaders

Director Steven Spielberg Has Some Wise Words for Graduates - See His 2016 Harvard Commencement Speech

The film director spoke about listening to intuition, studying the past and confronting hate with humanity.

Business News

A Treasure-Filled NYC Mansion From 1900 Is Now for Sale

The seven-bedroom, five-bathroom home was designed by Ulrich Huberty, son of a successful German-American businessman named Peter Huberty, for his parents.


History Hoarder: Unravelling India's Present From the Days Of Yore

Manu Pillai's personal quest that culminated into a passion

Business News

Rare Coin Made in Colonial New England Could Sell for $300,000

The incredibly rare mid-17th-century coin, worth just pennies when it was minted, will be auctioned off in London next month.


That Time Ben Franklin Slept in the Same Bed With John Adams

As we get back to traveling, let's be grateful it's not 1776.

Business News

Maggie Lena Walker Made History as the First Woman To Own a Bank in the United States

On top of that, she was a Black woman. The St. Luke Penny Savings Bank became a catalyst for economic advancement in the Black community.

News and Trends

Challenge Accepted: UNESCO Launches An International Competition To Rebuild A Global Icon In Iraq

Mosul's history and heritage seem to have been relegated to the background on account of the damage and destruction the city has undergone over the past few years, but that looks set to change now thanks to this new initiative.


How Can A Business Stay Relevant? Take A Cue From These Weird Little Forks

In the 1800s, people ate with "macaroni forks" and "olive forks." Why? It's a timeless tale of consumer obsession.


Actor Saif Ali Khan Dons a New Professional Hat, Makes Big Announcement

Saif Ali Khan coming up with an autobiography and here's everything you need to know

Thought Leaders

The Entrepreneurial History of the Term 'Entrepreneur'

First, they were cheaters. Then, they were heroes.


Churchill: You CAN Handle the Truth

The legendary British prime minister understood the value of surrounding himself with people who would push back.

Operations & Logistics

To Understand the Riots, Consider the 'Valuation' of Black Lives

The CEO of the Association for Enterprise Opportunity contextualizes the unrest in stark financial terms.


World Potato Chips Day: Let's Know How We Stumbled Upon Our Favorite Snack!

Did you know that the word 'potato' comes from the Spanish word "Patata"?