History: Page 3


Something Happened in 146 BC That Significantly Affects Your Business Today

A moment in history will help your appreciate your competitors.

Growing a Business

Designed, Built and Financed by Women, This 100-Year-Old Hotel Stays Relevant by Leaning Into Its Past

In a city known for chasing trends, Los Angeles' Hotel Figueroa thrives by embracing its long history.

Business News

Does Protecting Europe's Gastronomic Heritage Restrict Innovation?

Recipes have become more like historic artifacts or national treasures rather than cooking or baking instructions.


Glorifying the Century-Old Journey of India's Cinematic Brilliance

PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the National Museum of Indian Cinema in presence of hundreds of shining stars from the Indian film fraternity

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

How These 6 Franchises Have Thrived For Decades

Six companies have been on our Franchise 500 list for at least 38 of the 40 years we've produced the ranking. Here are their secrets.

Growing a Business

What Got You Here Will Get You There

Applying this notion to your team will strengthen company culture, boost employee morale, and bolster the bottom line.


Looking at Very Old Photos Has Changed My Perspective on Business and Life in General

Shorpy.com is entirely photos of people in ordinary life long ago dealing with the same sort of stuff we deal with now.

Business News

6 Pieces of Timeless Business Advice From Ford, Hamilton, Rockefeller and More

Here's what entrepreneurs can learn from some of the wealthiest and most successful individuals of their time.

Growing a Business

How Studying History Brings Success

Studying history gives you an advantage because human nature never changes.

Business News

10 Amazing Moments in Microsoft's History, From Its Founding to Desktop Dominance to Today

Here's how the software company, founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, paved the way for personal computing and dominated the market.

Science & Technology

Here Are the Origins of 10 Tech Terms You Use Every Day

Did you know that Thomas Edison used the term 'bug'?


10 Working Women Pioneers Who Changed the World for Good

From Mary Tyler Moore to Shirley Chisholm, take a look at these trailblazing female voices.

Business News

An Error-Ridden Job Application Steve Jobs Handwrote in 1973 Sold for 6 Figures at Auction

The auction house originally estimated it would sell for more than $50,000.

Growing a Business

15 Crazy Facts About Walmart's History and Where It's Headed Next

Here's what you need to know about the world's largest private-sector employer.

Thought Leaders

In His Day, P.T. Barnum Was More Popular Than Gates, Musk and Jobs, Combined

'The Greatest Showman,' starring Hugh Jackman, sets the entrepreneur's life to music but sidesteps the controversial side of P.T. Barnum's business dealings.