Microsoft: Page 10

Business News

Microsoft Seizes 42 Websites Used by China-Based Hacking Group to Carry Out Cyberattacks on US Organizations

In a news release, the technology corporation said that a federal court in Virginia had granted Microsoft's Dec. 2 request to allow its Digital Crimes Unit to seize the U.S.-based websites.

Business News

3 Tech Stocks That Wowed The Analysts

Big tech started reporting earnings this week and so far the best word to describe the results is "blowout". Not only are COVID-19 tailwinds still blowing but secular trends in...

Business News

Learn Everything You Need to Know About Microsoft Windows 11 Before Launch

Windows 11 is Microsoft's first new OS in six years.


Aprenda todo lo que necesita saber sobre Microsoft Windows 11 antes del lanzamiento

Windows 11 es el primer sistema operativo nuevo de Microsoft en seis años.

Business News

3 Stocks to Buy on Recent or Expected Dividend Hikes

Dividend stocks should hold a place in every investor's portfolio. Even if you don't intend to use the dividend payout as regular income, the ability...

Business News

How Microsoft Services Can Help You Scale Your Business

Utilizing cloud technology can be one of the best ways to help your business scale securely.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Cómo los servicios de Microsoft pueden ayudarlo a escalar su negocio

El uso de la tecnología en la nube puede ser una de las mejores formas de ayudar a que su empresa escale de forma segura.

Business News

China to Blame for Microsoft Hack: Report

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released a statement to address the hack and the United States' conclusion that China was behind it.


China tiene la culpa del hack de Microsoft: informe

El secretario de Estado Anthony Blinken emitió un comunicado para abordar el ataque y la conclusión de Estados Unidos de que China estaba detrás.

Business News

3 Dependable Dow Jones Stocks to Buy Now

With so much uncertainty regarding market sentiment, the economy, and where the major indices will go from here, it makes sense to consider adding dep...

Business News

The 10 Most Searched Stocks on MarketBeat in June 2021

Rankings are calculated based on the number of new MarketBeat users that have added a given stock to their watchlist in the last 30 days and the numbe...

Growth Strategies

Changemakers: Roberto Croci And His Microsoft for Startups MEA Team Are Gearing Up To Make A Serious Dent In The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

As the region starts to make a gradual recovery from the repercussions of the global COVID-19 crisis, Croci is moving ahead with an ambitious agenda that he and his team have built for Microsoft for Startups MEA.

Business News

Microsoft's Market Cap Tops $2 Trillion

MSFT shares are up 19% so far this year.

Business News

Seamlessly Run Windows Software on Your Mac With This Parallels Pro Bundle, on Sale

Get Parallels Pro and four utility Mac apps for very limited time pricing.


Ejecute sin problemas el software de Windows en su Mac con este paquete Parallels Pro, en oferta

Obtenga Parallels Pro y cuatro aplicaciones de utilidad para Mac por un precio muy limitado.