Microsoft: Page 3


Microsoft lanza un poderoso procesador para hacer frente a los procesos que exige la IA

La empresa sigue dando importantes pasos en el campo de la inteligencia artificial y ahora ha lanzado el Azure Maia AI Accelerator.


¿Ha lanzado Microsoft un creador de "deepfakes"?

En su evento anual la empresa presentó Azure AI Speech to Text, un desarrollo para crear y dotar con voz a avatares fotorrealistas.

Business News

Microsoft's New Copilot AI Assistant Can Help With Office Tasks — If Your Company Can Afford It

Access is currently restricted to a select group of elite customers, requiring a substantial commitment and cost.

Business News

As Shutterstock earnings push on, can the stock reach $80?

Shutterstock shares are declining by 7.5% after rallying as much as 22.0% the day prior, as you will find out soon, the decline is completely unjustified

Business News

Bill Gates' Former Right-Hand Man Is Now the 5th Richest Person in the World

Ballmer was Microsoft's 30th employee when he started in 1980.

Business News

Microsoft's Salary Guidelines Were Leaked — Here's How Much New Employees Make

The data shows what salary looks like for new job offers.

Business News

This Big 5 Tech Company Is About to Write and Respond to Emails for You

The tool will be available to more corporate clients starting next month.


LinkedIn y OpenAI se unen para mejorar reclutamiento, marketing y ventas por medio de la inteligencia artificial

La plataforma social, propiedad de Microsoft, busca crear herramientas que faciliten la labor de los trabajadores y las empresas en la era de la IA.

News and Trends

5 Statements Made by Satya Nadella at the US vs. Google Antitrust Trial

The lawsuit alleges Google's unlawful domination of online search by exclusionary tactics, including denying rivals access to search queries and clicks. Google currently dominates the search engine space with a 90 per cent share.


Microsoft presentará Windows 11 el martes 26 de septiembre con Copilot y todo el potencial de la inteligencia artificial

La apuesta de la empresa es incorporar a la inteligencia artificial en cada uno de sus productos, incluyendo Windows.

News and Trends

Microsoft to Bring Copilot to Windows 11, Edge, Bing and Microsoft 365

Users will be getting the copilot as an early upgradation to Windows 11 from September 26. Furthermore, the AI tool will be made available to enterprise customers on November 1 and across Bing, Edge, and Microsoft 365 Copilot this fall.

News and Trends

Microsoft Releases a Five-Point Blueprint For India's AI Governance

Microsoft claimed it has nearly 350 people working on responsible AI, helping it implement best practices for building safe, secure, and transparent AI systems designed to benefit society

Business News

Improve Office Operations With This Windows 11 Pro Deal for $160 Off

Save on a top-notch operating system with this special sale.

News and Trends

Microsoft Partners With Aptos Labs For Web3 and AI

The two organizations have also agreed to explore other technological solutions, such as asset tokenization, payments and Central Bank Digital Currencies, which will help accelerate Web3 adoption