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Switcheroo Trouble getting customers to change to your product or service? Here are 10 tips to get them switching.

By Barry Farber

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

There are many reasons customers don't want to change theway they're doing business. They're happy with what theyhave, they have too many products in their line already, or theydon't see the value in what you're selling. Most of all,they've become set in their ways, and that's what seems toget in the way of your selling.

We all need to get through the obstacles that stand in the wayof selling customers on the benefits of changing to our product orservice. Here are 10 simple steps to help you sell change, evenwhen customers want to stay the same:

1. Show them what they'll gain from the change.Pointing out the return on investment is a valuable way of makingyour case; provide numbers, examples, facts and figures, astatistical analysis--whatever it takes to help them visualize howmaking the change will benefit them. Just remember: Nothing isstronger than your belief in the idea you're presenting. Youmust have faith in your product or service in order to givecustomers the confidence to make the change.

2. Don't be afraid to close. Asking a closingquestion too early is not a crime. In fact, it usually brings outthe problem or specific objection your prospect has ahead of timeso you can deal with it and qualify the opportunity right from thestart.

3. Sell the change with testimonials from someone who'sbeen there, done that. Hand prospects a list of your clients,and tell them to call anyone on the list. They can talk about whythey do business with you and how they've benefited from thechange they made by going with your company.

4. Understand your customer's customer. Understandtheir competition. Understand their marketplace. This will give youmore opportunities to tie in the value of your product and how itimpacts their industry challenges.

5. Let them try out the product. Testing your productgives prospects a taste of things to come.

6. Make sure you're always building a relationship.When someone likes you, trusts you and respects the knowledge youbring to the table, he or she will be much more open to making achange.

7. Question everything. "Why is thatimportant?" "What does that mean to your customers?""Can you expand on that?" Getting the customer to giveyou the right in-depth information gives you the ammunition to makean intelligent presentation on why changing to your business willmake all the difference.

8. Do your research. Find out what other areas of theirbusiness they made changes to in the past, why they did it and whatbenefits they received from making those changes.

9. Break through barriers with conviction, belief andconfidence. Whenever a new idea is introduced, you're boundto encounter some resistance. Customers who have been doing thingsthe same way year after year aren't necessarily open toalternative ways of thinking. Selling the change means beingrelentless and empowered by the passion within. When you believe inyour case, so will the customer. Don't forget that they arebuying you, and you are part of the change.

10. Learn to listen, and listen to learn. Only whenwe're really tuned in to the customer can we find out the realreasons they're averse to change.

Barry Farber is the author of 11 books on sales, management and peak performance. His latest release, "Diamond in the Rough" CD program, is based on his book, radio and television show. Visit him at, or email him at

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