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5 Keys to Getting More Viewers and Making More Money on YouTube How Evan Carmichael creates engaging and profitable video content.

By Ken Dunn Edited by Dan Bova

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Evan Carmichael's YouTube channel has recently surpassed 2 million subscribers. It is a key part of the entrepreneur's business, which has revenue streams coming in from shared advertising on his videos, as well as professional speaking engagements and coaching sessions.

Related: How to Create a YouTube Channel in 3 Simple Steps

A few weeks ago, Evan was one of the keynote speakers at my company's Easier Life Mastery Summit. I had the chance to interview him and got his insights on creating engaging and profitable video content. Here are five takeaways from that conversation:

1. It's a long game

Evan published his first video on YouTube more than 10 years ago and he has now published over 6,000 videos. When he first started, it was painful. No one would pay attention, but he kept going. Evan advises that you shouldn't even bother to start a YouTube channel unless you have a long-game focus on the channel.

2. 10-minute videos are key

Evan explained that YouTube loves longer videos. "If you can't talk for 10 minutes without repeating yourself several times, don't use YouTube", he said to articulate that point. Longer videos are great for a couple of reasons: any video longer than 10 minutes will allow YouTube to put an ad in the middle of the video, which you get paid a commission on.

Related: Here's How You Can Actually Make Money With YouTube

3. Audience hacking

Look for people that are in your niche that already have a following on the monster video platform and joint venture with them. Interview them on your YouTube Channel. This will give you a chance to hack into their audience. After you publish the video, you can run some simple engagement ads to their audience and attract them to your channel.

4. Repurpose the content

YouTube has great video analytics. After your video is published, you can go back and pinpoint what part of the video had the most engagement. After pinpointing the best parts of the videos, Evan downloads the video, cuts the best parts out and uses the pieces as new content on Facebook, Instagram and others.

Related: 10 Ways to Make Millions on YouTube

5. YouTube as a hub

For the savvy entrepreneur, consider using YouTube as the hub. Be active on other social platforms that are relevant to your audience and use them to drive your followers back to your YouTube Channel. Evan goes live on Instagram every day, often hacking other influencers' audiences and then driving them back to his YouTube Channel.

You can hear my full interview with Evan by downloading the Authority Factor Podcast or watch the entire interview over at my YouTube Channel.

Ken Dunn

Founder of Authority Factory

From his original days in police investigation and interrogation, Ken developed a fascination with the human subconscious. Ken now teaches entrepreneurs to build coaching business in the new Knowledge Brokering industry. He has helped hundreds to build six-to-seven-figure coaching businesses.

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