Authenticity: Page 6

Social Media

Why Everyone and Everything on Social Media Is Fake

Social media platforms, and the way we use them, aren't designed for showing our authentic selves.

Social Media

Honest Vulnerability Is a Better Personal Brand Than Pretending Life Is Perfect

Real life isn't all sunshine with no bad hair days. Your social media posts shouldn't be either.

Business News

5 Components to Succeeding at Anything

Answer this question: 'What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?'

Growing a Business

How Marketers Must Evolve to Remain Relevant in a 'Post-Millennial' World

Gen Z has arrived on the heels of the millennials as the first "digital native" generation that has never known an analog existence.


Why Authenticity Is a Key Ingredient to Entrepreneurial Success, and How to Make Sure You Have It

Follow these six tips to ensure you're keeping it real as an authentic entrepreneur.

Social Media

Pro YouTubers Explain How to Succeed on the Video Platform in 2018

The landscape has changed, but some of the fundamental principles of being a YouTuber remain the same.


Executives of Yesteryear Would Have Scoffed At These 4 Critical Leadership Skills

Today's successful business leader is an emotionally intelligent, collaborative visionary.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to Up Your Game in 2018

Getting out of your comfort zone can make you a better entrepreneur.


Why Tech Needs to Stop Blaming the Pipeline for Its Lack of Diversity

One-time fixes and half-measures won't cut it. Company leaders must fully commit to continuous improvement, just as they do in other aspects of their businesses.

Thought Leaders

5 Secrets to Success in Business

Business is hard, but if you put in the work and keep a positive mindset you will succeed.


How to Market Yourself Like an Artist

Creatives are masters of reinvention, personal branding and storytelling. It's time the business world paid attention.

Growing a Business

3 Ways to Get Your Voice Heard

Fear silences many a would-be writer. Here's how to get out of your own way.


4 Ways to Make Your Business More Authentic and Successful

How to build an authentic presence that translates to your employees and customers.


16 Tips for Becoming a Master Networker

Who you know makes a huge difference to your success, so it pays to learn how to meet the right people.

Social Media

Social Media Platforms Have Lost Their Authenticity -- Here's What Needs to Change

Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are becoming two-dimensional feeds that don't evolve our knowledge beyond what we expect.