Climate Change: Page 2

Business News

'We Think It's Overhyped': AI Is in For a Humble Reality Check in 2024, Analysts Say

Analyst firm CCS Insight predicts the generative artificial intelligence (AI) space is poised for a "cold shower" in 2024.

Starting a Business

Startup Spotlight: Tunisia-Based RoboCare's Tech-Driven Agronomic Solutions Help Farmers Navigate Climate-Change-Related Issues

By integrating satellite, drone, and IoT sensors onto its platform, RoboCare provides optimal technical solutions for individual farming needs.

Business News

Want to Go Green? A New Study Says Full-Time Remote Workers Slash Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Half

Hybrid employees, meanwhile, cut their emissions by a third.


An Entrepreneur's Guide to Achieving a Net-Zero Business

From conducting a carbon footprint assessment to setting goals and investing in energy-efficient technologies, how to transform your company into a greenhouse gas emissions-neutral enterprise.

Green Entrepreneur®

When Will We Finally Put Our Money Where Our Food Grows?

With solutions within reach, additional funding can go a long way to turn the corner on shoring up sustainable food sources.

Business News

A New 'EcoWarrior' Barbie Is Making Headlines. But It Turns Out It Was All a Hoax.

The fake Barbie was perpetrated by climate change activists using a phony website and press release — and it worked.

Business News

Phoenix Has Hit 110 Degrees for a Month, But This One Invention Is Cooling Things Down a Tad

For the Arizona city amid a record-breaking heat wave, cool surfaces bring a modicum of relief.

Business News

No More AC? Scientist Invents the 'World's Whitest Paint' To Cool Down Your House

The wonder paint reflects 95 percent of the sun's rays, making surfaces up to 19 degrees cooler.

Business News

This July 4th May Have Been the Hottest Day on Earth in 125,000 Years

A perfect storm of climate change, El Niño, and summer is leading to temperatures not seen in millennia.

Green Entrepreneur®

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn about Sustainability From the Cosmetic Industry

As entrepreneurs, it's our responsibility to lead the charge on climate change and contribute to a sustainable future.

Business News

'Massive Grave of Dead Fish': What's Happening on Texas Beaches?

Here's why thousands of dead fish washed up on Texas beaches this weekend.

Business News

Uber Launches 'Carshare' Service in North America Amid Expanded 'Go Green' Initiatives

The company first launched its car-sharing service in Australia last year.


Actor Bhumi Pednekar On Why It's Important To Care About Climate Change

In the current scenario, one of the biggest threats we face is that of climate change, and climate technology has evolved to become an important part of this process.

Business News

New York Becomes First State to Ban Gas Stoves in New Buildings

The measure will go into effect in 2026 for buildings seven stories or shorter and in 2029 for taller buildings.

News and Trends

Sustainability In the Supply Chain Is the Need Of the Hour

Rising temperatures, glacial ice caps melting, rise in sea levels, and extreme weather conditions bear serious consequences for global supply chains