Climate Change: Page 3


Bad Weather Won't Ruin Your Vacation Anymore — One Company Will Pay You to Enjoy It Rain or Shine

Nick Cavanaugh founded Sensible Weather to solve an all-too-common problem and bring awareness to climate change.

Business News

Going, Going, Gone! Climate Change Is Causing More Baseball Homeruns

The American Meteorological Society found that at least 500 home runs since 2010 can be attributed to global warming.

Science & Technology

How Tech is Bolstering the Fight Against Food Insecurity

Entrepreneurs are leveraging tech to tackle our exploding population and ongoing food shortages.


10 Billionaires Stepping Up to Fight Climate Change

Many wealthy people talk a big game in regard to sustainability, but these billionaire business leaders are making a difference.

Growth Strategies

The UAE's Sustainable Real Estate Sector Is Poised For Continued Growth And Innovation

With over 80% of investors now prioritizing sustainability, significant progress being made in the development of energy-efficient buildings, sustainable urban planning, and renewable energy projects, investors can profit from these investments over the long term.

Business News

Mama Mia! The Venice Canals Are Running Dry.

Low tides are making it impossible for gondolas to pass through some of the famous Italian canals.


How AirCarbon Exchange Simply And Effectively Streamlines Carbon Trading

AirCarbon Exchange brings a traditional commodities-based architecture to the voluntary carbon market underpinned by a custom built and proprietary digital architecture.

News and Trends

Expo Live's Latest Cohort Opens Applications For Climate-Related Solutions Ahead Of The UAE's Hosting Of COP28

Applications for the program began on February 1, 2023, and will remain open until March 1, 2023.

Business News

Here's What Elon Musk Really Thinks About Climate Change

While the Tesla CEO strongly believes in global warming, he's had more controversial views on combating the crisis.

Business News

Digital Ads Are Fueling a Climate Disaster. Take These Steps to Offset The Industry's Hidden Toll on Our Planet.

Digital ads are destroying our planet and we're all part of the problem. Take these steps to be part of the solution.

Business News

Electric Stoves Are Much Better for the Environment than Gas Stoves. Here's Why.

Recent studies show that gas stoves pose risks to your health and the environment.

Social Media

Greta Thunberg Twitter Feud May Have Led to Alleged Sex Trafficker's Arrest. "What Happens When You Don't Recycle Your Pizza Boxes."

The eco-activist's tweet went viral after lashing back at a taunt from Andrew Tate. The next day, Tate and his brother were arrested for sex trafficking. Is a pizza box to blame?

Business News

4 Cities Harming the Environment and What They're Doing About It

Much of the world's pollution comes from major cities. But the worst contributors are coming up with some smart solutions.

Green Entrepreneur®

4 Reasons Sustainability Will Benefit Your Business and Satisfy The Growing Trend of Green-Hungry Customers

Should you make corporate sustainability a goal for your company? Absolutely -- and you can't afford to wait for your competitors to get a green jumpstart.