Climate Change: Page 9

Business News

How Entrepreneurs Can Help Developing Countries Hard Hit by Climate Change

There is plenty of opportunity to do good and do well helping to soften the blow.

Business News

Major U.S. Study Says Unchecked Climate Change Will Shrink the Economy Significantly

President Trump insists climate change isn't happening, but the U.S. government says it is and it's very bad.

Business News

Cyber Monday Breaks the Internet (60-Second Video)

Here's what entrepreneurs need to know today.

Data & Recovery

60-Second Video: Protest Planned at Google

Stay in the know.

Thought Leaders

How Food Entrepreneurs Are Saving the Planet, According to the CEO of Tofurky

'There's a lot of interest in bigger companies acquiring these smaller innovators like Tofurky. I see that as a really good sign,' says Jaime Athos.

Business News

Beer Takes a Hit From Climate Change! 3 Things to Know Today.

Stay in the know in 60 seconds.


Why this Hong Kong-based Entrepreneur is Encouraging People to Give Up Meat

David Yeung, environmental advocate and founder of Green Monday, wants the world to understand the increasing impact of livestock industry on global warming


UN Warns Climate Change May Doom Us, but Nobel Committee Suggests Taxing Pollution Might Save Us

The latest and most pessimistic warning about climate catastrophe came the same day as the Nobel Prize committee honored two economists for their work exploring potential solutions.

News and Trends

Temperature Impacts Workplace Productivity Too

Hot weather drops productivity of people by 4 per cent per degree, a study suggests


'This Is Climate Change' Tells an Urgent Message Via Virtual Reality

Whether you're selling a product or a societal warning like global warming, VR is the wave of the future.

News and Trends

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Bats for Equality in India

Setting aside his cultural adventure in the country, here's what Trudeau had to say


With $72 Million in Funding, the Entrepreneur Behind Beyond Meat Pursues Innovation Over Profit

Ethan Brown put everything he had into founding the company, which has seen major successes with its plant-based 'meat' that's loved by Bill Gates.

News and Trends

#5 Reasons why Energy Financing Should be Reinvented

The need of the hour is new financing solutions that are accessible, global and transparent

Growth Strategies

Can Corporates Save the World from Climate Change?

The fight against global warming can only be won if businesses worldwide contribute