Tracy Stapp Herold: Page 11

Entrepreneur Staff

Tracy Stapp Herold is the special projects editor at Entrepreneur magazine. She works on franchise and business opportunity stories and listings, including the annual Franchise 500.

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Latest: Page 11


The Pogo Stick Test: Picking the Perfect Franchisee

Diana Nelson of Kazoo Toys has an unusual way of fielding franchise applicants. Why it pays to be so picky.


Established Companies Try Franchising

Decades-old companies decide to give franchising a go.


New Care-Service Franchise Opportunities

From child care, healthcare, senior care and more, this sector of the franchise industry is thriving.


In Fashion or Franchising, Trendiness Is Fickle

Here today, gone tomorrow? If the industry you're looking at fits the definition of 'trendy,' it's probably a good idea to look elsewhere.


Questions to Ask Before Buying a Red-Hot Franchise

Sure, a high-flying company seems like a great investment . . . until it's not. Here's how to avoid buying into a company that's ill-prepared for rapid growth.


The Making of a Multi-Unit Franchise Maven

Don't just hang up a single sign--build an empire. Here's how one franchisee did it.