Grant Cardone: Page 9

International Sales Expert & $1.78B Real Estate Fund Manager

Grant Cardone is an internationally-renowned speaker on sales, leadership, real-estate investing, entrepreneurship and finance whose five privately held companies have annual revenues exceeding $300 million.

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Latest: Page 9

Money & Finance

Don't Fall for These 12 Mental Money Traps

Call these the dirty dozen. If you want to get rich, start thinking like the wealthy.

Business Process

The 10 Biggest Mistakes in Sales

In today's world, you need to think differently. If you're doing any of these things, it's time to stop.


Close Deals Faster With These 5 Steps

The sales process is finding out who the buyer is, what they want to buy, why they want to buy it and what you can do to fulfill that want.

Growing a Business

5 Strategies to Kick Start This Year's Goals

Even if you took a break, it's no excuse not to set lofty expectations of success in the coming months.

Business Process

This Sales Secret Can Help You Conquer Aggressive Negotiators

The next time you encounter a buyer or seller who strongly insists on a certain point, pick at it and take advantage.

Growing a Business

Successful Entrepreneurs Are Never 'Out of the Office'

Even if you're at home with your kids or on vacation, you should still be available for new opportunities.