Jim Joseph: Page 9

Marketing Master - Author - Blogger - Dad

Jim Joseph is a commentator on the marketing industry. He is Global President of the marketing communications agency BCW, author of The Experience Effect series and an adjunct instructor at New York University.

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Latest: Page 9


For a Complete Marketing Plan, Look Beyond Your Direct Competition

Surely, you should be studying companies that offer the same services that you do. But you should broaden your research beyond that.


The Obvious, But Absolutely Necessary, First Step to a Marketing Plan

Without goals you can't possibly write a marketing plan or measure your success for the year.


The 3 Elements of Your Brand You Need to Nail Down for a Marketing Plan

If you don't have these in place, it'll be difficult to fully write and execute a marketing plan.


The One New Year's Resolution All Business Owners Should Keep

There's something you can start doing today that could save you a lot of headaches in 2015.


Head Into 2015 With the Goal of Creating an Inspiring Workspace

You need you and your colleagues' ideas to flow freely, so create a space that promotes them to sit and stay awhile yourself.

Growing a Business

Do You Know How You Really Did This Year?

Without established goals in place, you're just guessing based on feelings. Make next year different.