Customer Engagement: Page 7

Growing a Business

3 Surefire Ways to Extend Your Customer's Shopping Experience

When customers feel entertained, they stick around longer and spend time discovering more products and spending more cash.

Social Media

3 Ways to Authentically Brand Yourself as Customer Friendly

Three strategies to improve your customer experience and create a brand of CX excellence

Growing a Business

7 Surefire Ways to Turn Your Low Customer Retention Rates Around

Customer loyalty is key to building a thriving business.


How Franchisees Can Use Technology to Change Consumer Behavior

Here's how franchisees can tap into consumer behaviors using strategic messaging and offers that speak to clients wants and needs.

Growing a Business

How to Develop B2B Partnerships That Grow Your Business

From analyzing the market and competitors to road mapping, here's how to get the most out of your B2B partnerships with maximum results.


Redefining Customer Engagement in a World Where Data Privacy Reigns

In a world where "easy data" will increasingly evaporate, companies risk spending lots of money on engagements or clicks that don't convert.

Growing a Business

4 Pro Tips to Run a Successful Retail Business in 2023

These four tips will equip brands to run successful ecommerce businesses and remain competitive in an evolving retail landscape.

Growing a Business

4 Buyer Engagement Tips for Virtual Sellers

Learn how to capture and maintain buyers' attention during online meetings.

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Use Customer Feedback for Business Innovation

Innovation is as much about understanding customer needs as it is about passion, and customer feedback is essential to entrepreneurs. Here are four ways to use customer feedback to improve businesses.

Thought Leaders

4 Things That Make for Unforgettable Customer Experiences

Patron perks lead to long-term loyalty.

Growing a Business

What Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Taught Me About Getting to Know Your Customers

Despite the push toward chatbots and technology-driven customer service, nothing can replace determining what your customers want through personal social interaction.

Growing a Business

5 Things to Remember When Communicating With Customers

Effective communication with customers has never been more important, especially as we head into economic uncertainty. Remember these five tips when you're talking to your customers.

Growing a Business

How to Retain Customers During an Economic Downturn

To weather a recession, focus on your most loyal customers.


Why Giving Cash Back Will Bring Your Customers Back

Cash may be losing its luster as a payment tender, but it's a 'must have' when it comes to rewards program benefits and will be for the foreseeable future.


How Often Should You Email Your List? Here Are 5 Deciding Factors You Need to Know.

Is the right strategy once a month, once a day or somewhere in between? A seasoned exec in the field offers profit-boosting insights.