Millennials: Page 3

Science & Technology

What Millennials and Gen Z Users Expect from Their Online Experiences — and How to Give It to Them

With the change in preferences, come new generations of users who are more vocal about the changes and standards they wish to have within a design.


Traditional Marketing Doesn't Work on Gen-Z and Millennials. Here's What to Do Instead.

Businesses need to change their marketing tactics if they want to sell to Gen Z and millennials. In this article, I share four tips for businesses to implement.


4 lecciones de mentoría que la Generación Z puede aprender de Karate Kid y Cobra Kai

La más reciente temporada de Cobra Kai, junto con la trilogía original de Karate Kid, tiene algunas grandes enseñanzas de tutoría. Aquí te presentamos cuatro importantes lecciones para la Generación Z.


The Workforce Belongs to Millennial Employees — Here's How to Keep Them Engaged

Millennials will comprise 75% of the workforce by the end of 2025; here's what you need to know about attracting and retaining them.

Recursos Humanos

La gente está realmente cansada de la "renuncia silenciosa"

Lo que comenzó como una forma de manifestar una inconformidad se ha convertido en una molestia insufrible, según lo revela una encuesta.


People Are Starting to Get Really Annoyed by 'Quiet Quitting'

What started off as a form of quiet rebellion has now become a insufferable nuisance, a new survey finds.


The Great Resignation Has Drawn Millennials to Franchising. Here's Why We Must Transform the Business Model.

As The Great Resignation continues to transform the professional landscape, the franchise industry must be ready to receive and grow a new and diverse demographic of leadership.


5 Ways Franchisees Can Empower a Millennial and Gen Z Workforce

Here are five practical ways to empower millennial and Gen Z team members to do their personal best for your business.

Business News

3 Ways to Prepare Yourself for the Great Wealth Transfer

We have officially entered the largest wealth transfer period in history. Here are three key ways to prepare yourself for the Great Wealth Transfer and improve your financial position.

Thought Leaders

6 Key Trends That Will Change How You Do Business

There is no doubt that as the economy undergoes another seismic shift, entrepreneurs will be looking to set up new businesses, and those already in business will be looking to transform their businesses to meet the opportunities ahead.

Business News

Here's What's Driving the Trend of Self-Made Gen Z and Millennial Millionaires

The next-generation of millionaires is saving earlier, rethinking debt and even investing in venture capital.

Business News

According to a study carried out in the United Kingdom, those over 55 are not satisfied with the way they are represented in advertising

This is an important segment of the population with purchasing power that is practically ignored by advertising campaigns.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

Franchising: The Younger Generation Steps Up

Millennials portend a bright future for the industry.

Business News

4 Trends in the Way Millennials Approach Healthcare

From an insistence upon price transparency to increased awareness of mental health issues, how 26- to 40-year-olds are changing care, and caregivers.


4 tendencias en la forma en que los millennials abordan la atención médica

Desde una insistencia en la transparencia de precios hasta una mayor conciencia sobre los problemas de salud mental, cómo las personas de 26 a 40 años están cambiando la atención y los cuidadores.