Editor's Note: Page 10

Growing a Business

How to Take the Right Risks

Be bold. Be daring. Be out there. But first, be sure it's the right bet to take.

Growth Strategies

Why It's Better For MENA Startups To Team Up Than Race Against Each Other

There's a lot more that can be achieved if entrepreneurial teams work together.

Growing a Business

The Power of Trying: Why You Must Take Leaps Into Unknown Territory

The more we take risks and search for new passions, the more versatile and capable and satisfied we'll be tomorrow.

Growth Strategies

Tackling Conflict At Your Startup By Finding Neutral Territory

Conflicts are to be expected at startups and, as an entrepreneur, you need to know how to tackle them.

Growing a Business

Want the Upper Hand? Ask the Dumb Questions.

Take it from a journalist: You can learn a lot when you shelve your ego.


Time Is Money: Are You, As An Entrepreneur, Burning Through A Modern Currency?

In the modern economy, time really is money. How are you spending it?

Growth Strategies

Thinking Through What Growth is

It seems that the disruptive environment is also changing the investment rules. The new rule of investment is to buy high and sell even higher.

Growing a Business

The Importance of Making Sure Customers Feel Heard

A great product is a problem heard and solved, followed by user feedback heard and integrated.

Growth Strategies

Passing on the Baton

There is good judgement all around and the larger consensus is not to refute what young brings to the business but rather try to balance the new thinking with the old style of doing business

News and Trends

No Time Like The Present (To Become An Entrepreneur In The Middle East)

For those of us following the MENA entrepreneurial ecosystem, the last month was a blurry buzz of activity, almost from start to finish, where we were being confronted with one whopping announcement after the other.


Pitching Your Business to a Journalist? Here's What Works.

Yes, a pitch can lead to a story -- you just need to know how to get our attention.

Growth Strategies

Get Connected: Entrepreneurship Is A Two-Way Street

Hope is something we need to see more of in the Middle East- let's take it upon ourselves to bring it about.

Starting a Business

Don't Think Sending Free Stuff to Editors Will Get You Covered

Coverage can't be bought. You can send us stuff if you'd like, but that doesn't mean we'll write about you.


One Size Does Not Fit All

All the industries have felt this impact so much and education sector is no different.


Pitching Your Story to an Editor? Avoid These 3 Phrases.

Send a pitch that editors will actually read.