Editor's Note: Page 8

Women Entrepreneur®

These Sectors Will be the Trendsetters in 2019

New-age startups are thinking in the digital world and learning product distribution from their tech peers

Growth Strategies

Get Set For The New Year: Refresh, Regroup, And Recharge

Learn to be kinder to yourself (and your team).


What Does The Year 2019 Look Like From Here?

At a macro level, it is a year where technology companies will be at loggerheads with the governments like never before.

Growing a Business

Every Entrepreneur Has Imposter Syndrome. Here's Why We Need to Talk About It.

Everyone feels the same way, but no one will admit it. Let's break the stalemate.

Social Media

Out in the Open

Social media like any other media needs to have some credibility and accountability

Growing a Business

Make That Bold Move Now -- and Avoid Looking Back With Regret

Entrepreneurs live to push boundaries, but fear can cause us to second-guess our gut. Don't. Act now.


From Consumer Brands to Tech Giants: The World is Looking at Asia

Our Editor-in-chief Ritu Marya's note on what's hot and why you should pick up this month's Entrepreneur India magazine


Mr. Nice Guy Gets The Job Done

When you deal with people that -you think- are behaving in a problematic way, it may be well worth your while to have an open mind, listen to the other's perspective, and then try to find a way to work with them in a way that's agreeable to you as well.

Business Ideas

I Became a Better Marketer When I Started Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

When you think the way entrepreneurs think, you see everything around you differently.

Growth Strategies

Support Systems: What To Do When Things Seem To Be Going Out Of Control

Don't be afraid to ask for help- it will only ever do you good.


A New Perspective

In this issue, we bring you the success story of an avant-garde Asian-Indian hotelier, the lowdown on some of the best coworking spaces in India and more.

Thought Leaders

The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Are Amazing. Let's Support Them!

We need to stop the division between 'older generation' and 'younger generation.' That holds both sides back.

Growth Strategies

Capital Gains: Musings On Mark Zuckerberg's Human Capital Hiring Rule Of Thumb

I believe that Zuckerberg is on to something when it comes to figuring out the best people to hire, and how one should interact with them once they come onboard.


When Disaster Strikes (Hard), Perception Is Everything

The toughest hurdles that happen along an entrepreneur's lifecycle are what contribute to their greatest strengths and successes in the long-term.

Growing a Business

The Secret to Finding a Great Mentor: Don't Ask to Be Mentored

Many entrepreneurs think of mentorship all wrong. And that means they're missing the great mentors in front of them.