Editor's Note: Page 2


Mistakes Are A Part Of Any Innovator's Journey- Let's Simply Not Make Them The End Of It

It's one thing to state that something displeases us; it's another thing altogether to call fire and fury on it to show our distaste.

Growing a Business

Listen Closely to What People Ask You. That's Where to Find Your Hidden Power.

When people ask questions, they're revealing what your value is to them.

Growth Strategies

Call A Spade A Spade: Meting Out A Valid Criticism Does Not Make You Disloyal To The Spirit Of Entrepreneurship

Just because you are sharing an "unpopular opinion" doesn't mean you are in the wrong. Often, it may put you in the position of being the only right one.


Creativity Breeds Community

Creative is a skill, not a mindset


The Nays Have It: Passing On An "Opportunity" Isn't Always A Bad Idea

More often than not, we say yes to things purely out of fear that missing out on them will cost us, without bothering to consider the cost we are going to pay by taking on these endeavors in the first place.


A New Roadmap

Are VCs changing their narrative from growth to profitability

Growing a Business

Stop Applying Old Methods to New Problems. It's Time to Start From Scratch.

It's scary to wipe the slate clean, and start over. But sometimes, trying to build on what you've done before can hold you back.


Cheerleaders > Doomsayers: It May Not Sound Realistic To You, But That Doesn't Mean It's Wrong

Changes in life and career trajectories can sometimes sound alarming, but you don't need to be the one to ring the bell.


From Virtual to Personal

Are we ready to look forward or will we lean into the past?

Growing a Business

Are You Missing A Big Opportunity? Ask Yourself This Question

It's easy to feel like each opportunity could be the last, but that's not usually the case.


Towards A Sustainable Future

For the first time in the history of business, social and economic causes are blending

Growth Strategies

Being Fair Is (Perhaps) The Most Underappreciated Strategy In Today's Workforce

Being fair may require you to make difficult choices, but its value lies in the fact that you will never be short-changed for doing so.

Growing a Business

Are You Too Efficient to Innovate?

It sounds like a crazy question, but optimization doesn't always lead to inspiration.


The Future of Money

India is the world's second-largest user of cryptocurrency and young people in the age group of 18-34 are the most prolific users


The Future Of Founder Is Female!

Only 2.3% of all equity funding raised in 2020 globally went to women-led startups