Editor's Note: Page 9


How India's Start-up Poster Boy Went Out of Job Overnight

Despite fueling the start-up wave, the Indian government fails to see the potential in the homegrown companies

Growing a Business

Change Is Inevitable. Here's How to Start Preparing Right Now.

Four important words: Work your next job.

Growth Strategies

Reality Check: We're Running A Business, Too

How many of all the startup support initiatives out there are actually supporting the region's entrepreneurs?

Growing a Business

Stop Sacrificing Your Future by Clinging to Your Past

Here's the most important lesson you can learn from your past.


Handing Over The Reins: You Cannot Be In Charge All Of The Time

Remember that you've got people on board your enterprise who have embraced your vision, and are very well-equipped to translate that into reality- you just need to let them take the reins.

Growing a Business

Why You Need to Always Be Questioning Yourself

We should always be asking: Why am I doing this? And can I do it better?

Growth Strategies

Time And Talent: Two Elements You Might Be Throwing Away On Social Media

While every social media guidebook out there urges us to think carefully before we post anything, this particular mindset seems to have been overlooked by many users of social media.

Growing a Business

How to Figure Out What Your Time Is Worth

It's time to admit we can't do everything. And that's for the better.

Growth Strategies

How You Handle Business Wins (And Losses) Impact Your Team's Loyalty

A look at how a leader's management style can affect a team.

Growing a Business

Embrace Your Setbacks -- and Use Them to Your Advantage

We're either the sum of our setbacks or the sum of our triumphs. Choose the latter.

Starting a Business

Agility Needs To Be Seen In Everyone At An Enterprise (And Not Just In The People Running It)

The idea of being agile, taking ownership of what one does, and doing things the best way they can be done is not something that's restricted to the C-suite of an organization- it needs to be translated across all layers of the company.


Kill Your Darlings: Entrepreneurs Must Know When Their Offering Stops Serving The Intended Purpose

There's a fine line between being resolute about the idea you have in your mind, and, well, changing or rethinking your idea in a manner that it suits your intended clients better.

Growing a Business

This Trick Will Help You Promote Yourself Without Coming Off as Self-Centered

The first rule of talking about you: It's not really about you.


How Does the Culture in Silicon Valley Promote Entrepreneurship?

From airport to hotels to malls to food courts, every place in San Francisco has an infrastructure to stimulate co-working


Entrepreneurs, You Are Not Entitled To Anything

Listen up, 'treps: you are never going to gifted anything on a silver platter; you're going to have to work hard for everything you want or dream about.