Grant Cardone: Page 7

International Sales Expert & $1.78B Real Estate Fund Manager

Grant Cardone is an internationally-renowned speaker on sales, leadership, real-estate investing, entrepreneurship and finance whose five privately held companies have annual revenues exceeding $300 million.

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Latest: Page 7


4 Sales Prospects You Must Understand

I want to give you examples of four prospects that you might recognize, and a potential close to meet their personal buying styles.

Business News

Why I Believe in Miracles

I went from being a problem to society to being a CEO of multiple companies. Miracles are real.

Money & Finance

Prepare for a Massive Recession

We are in for very hard economic times but the media can't tell you about it until it's too late.

Growing a Business

College is Good for Getting a Job but Not Necessarily for Getting Rich

Of the 400 wealthiest people in America, 27 have only a high school degree and 36 dropped out of college.

Making a Change

The Time to Stop Listening Is Anytime Anybody Says You Can't

When someone at home, at the office, at church or in your community discourages your quest to be great, ignore them.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

Why Do Half of Millennials Still Live With Mommy and Daddy?

If they want to move out as much as their parents want them to, they need to start making an income .