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6 Big Opportunities With Google+ Hangouts on Air Every marketing advantage of video is multiplied on Google+ HOA, including your chances of becoming an Internet personality.

By Brett Relander Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Videos, already your most powerful marketing tool, are turbo-charged with Google+ Hangouts on Air (HOA). HOAs are feature-rich, allowing you to share your screen and slides, create a custom screen appearance and build a library of YouTube videos while boosting your rankings on Google search.

There are six major opportunities for you on Google+ HOA and all you need to get rolling is a Gmail account, a good webcam and mic, a YouTube account and content to share.

Related: Getting Started on Google +

1. Gathering and keeping customers. Google+ HOAs are effective for culling leads from prospects and converting existing customers into brand evangelists by sharing client testimonials. Offer people knowledge, insight, solutions or exclusive access to content and they will register for your hangouts, growing your Google+ circle and expanding your influence.

2. Build authority. Whatever your business, HOAs let people hear your expertise. Invite established authorities to participate in your hangouts. Their endorsements enhance your reputation and build trust with your audience.

3. Engage and learn. Google+ HOAs are a valuable addition to any content marketing plan and an excellent opportunity for content curation. Webcasts become available on YouTube, can be spread on other social media channels and emailed with your newsletter. You will make sharper marketing decisions using the data on audience interaction, while the audience and consumer feedback will inform your content marketing plan.

4. Collaborate. You can participate in Hangouts on Android and Apple devices, making HOA a next generation video conferencing tool. You can share information in real-time and plan on the move. Collaborate with salespeople, distributors, your marketing team or any circle you have on Google+. Showcase live online demos or facilitate internal training. Teams can work in sync by accessing information available through HOA.

Related: 21 Simple Ways to Get More Followers for Your Google Plus Business Page

5. Make money. Don't assume only a celebrity can run a paid HOA channel. If you've got useful information, the people who can use it will pay for it. As you grow a loyal following, your business can attract sponsors eager for the same audience. Allow them to feature their products and services like a friendly paid advertisment. Done well, your customers will perceive the sponsored message as a referral from you.

6. Announcements. A regular schedule of webcasts is a good platform for announcing product launches, discounts, promotional events, sales, etc. Videos add punch to every announcement, letting the audience see and share your excitement.

The potential for growth with Google+ HOA is endless. The world is your audience. Start today!

Related: Why You Should Be on Google+

Brett Relander

Managing Director at X1 Sports Nutrition

Brett Relander is founder and managing director of X1 Sports Nutrition ( He has a degree in exercise science, is certified as a Master Fitness Specialist and in the biomechanics of resistance training, and is an advocate of all-natural nutrition and advanced performance training.

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