Customer Relationship: Page 5

Business News

Apple's Battery Apology Could Be Its Most Important Ever

It may be the most far-reaching apology Apple has had to make, and it could change the way the company does business.

Starting a Business

How I Got Over My Fears About Starting My Company

When the company I was selling for put itself up for sale, I had a choice to make.


Here's What You Should Do to Ensure You are Not Losing Out on Customers

After acquiring customers, the struggle lies in retaining them and making sure that they don't go opting for other players in the field


Why Marie Forleo Says This One Marketing Trick Is So Important

Remember, your customers have a lot to say.


Stop Spending So Much Money on Lead Generation and Do This Instead

Always chasing sales, leads and customers is not the way to grow a business.

Thought Leaders

The 6 Keys to Quality Customer Service

There's no better way to grow your business than solid, reliable customer service.


5 Reasons Machine Learning Is the Future of Marketing

Today's smarter business systems generally mean smarter, and more profitable, companies.


You Can't Be Everything for Everybody, So Stop Trying

It might seem strange, but you're better off appealing to a small group of loyal customers than trying to attract everyone.


'America's New Romantic Piano Sensation' Shows How to Gather a Tribe and Thrive in Business

The popularity of Jim Brickman's music is the foundation of a business empire built by cultivating a relationship his fans feel personally.

Growing a Business

Damage Control: 6 Ways to Respond to Negative Reviews

Entrepreneurs share what they do when customers tell the world they messed up.


How Billion-Dollar Companies Think Differently About Customer Relationships

Every business needs repeat buyers. Look for patterns to help you increase the lifetime value of each customer.


How AI-enabled Real-time Optimization Will Shape Content in Future

Digital marketers can well frame a strategy based on this analysis of the pinpointed audiences from different domains


If You Want Real Relationships With Your Customers, Start Being a Better Partner

Why is it that building long-term customer relationships still seems to be the Holy Grail, desired by many and achieved by few?

Growing a Business

Marketing Growth Hacks for the 'Fake News' Era

To be trusted, engage with your audience. And let your consumers do the talking.

Growing a Business

Small Is the New Big, Both in the Music Business and Your Business

Love country music? This country musician likes to call his fans "customers," and he treats them accordingly.