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This is How Career-Driven Couples Empower Each Other Boost your relationship to power couple status.


Career-driven individuals must shoulder a lot of responsibility in order to achieve their goals. While striving for career success can sometimes come with costs, romantic relationships don't have to be one of them. If you and your partner are both work-oriented, hope is not lost. In fact, here's how your go-getter lifestyles can be a perfect match when it comes to supporting and empowering one another.

Brainstorm and plan together.

Unlike talking to business partners or investors, brainstorming with your significant other allows you to flesh out ideas without scrutiny or judgement. Whether you need a fresh perspective on a problem or you've got a new idea you're unsure of, use your partner as a sounding board. Keeping them in the loop shows them that you value their opinion and allows you to get detailed feedback on your work.

Take turns in the limelight.

Power couples are a force to be reckoned with, but a successful partnership requires both parties to check their egos at the door. The road to success involves a lot of twists and turns, and no two careers will ever evolve the same way or at the same time. Regardless of how your career trajectory is going, take the time to acknowledge any accomplishments or opportunities your partner receives. By offering your unyielding support, your partner will be sure to do the same for you when the time comes — whether that means relocating so they can pursue a job offer or attending a work party and mingling with their coworkers.

Take breaks together.

Drive and ambition can place success-hungry individuals at greater risk of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. To avoid the dreaded work burnout, recognize when you or your partner need a break, and encourage one another to take it. Whether it's a night on the couch watching TV or a long-overdue getaway, a little downtime here and there will help you stay more focused and energized in the long run.

Set aside time for each other.

Relationships can begin to sour if you don't make an effort to regularly carve out time for each other. Rather than being overwhelmed by the thought of another thing to do in your already busy day, remember that your time with each other is about quality, not quantity. Work with your partner to determine a realistic amount of time you can spend with each other each week and then stick to it. From coffee dates, to power lunches and weekend date nights, be sure to make the time to connect and leave work out of the conversation.

Exercise together.

Balancing your career with your personal life can be stressful. In order to keep up with the hustle and bustle of daily demands, it's important to place some focus on maintaining your physical health. Developing an exercise routine with your partner will help you both benefit from the health perks and added bonding time. Plus, if either of you ever feels like skipping a day, you'll be able to keep each other motivated and accountable.

Make an effort to be flexible.

As much as you can plan for the future, life can change in a moment. To make things work, successful power couples may have to consider options that other couples wouldn't. Whether it's living apart, commuting back and forth or outsourcing chores, being open to alternatives will allow you to maximize your productivity and your time with each other.

While there are challenges to juggling a relationship and two demanding careers, utilize your combined determination and drive to propel your relationship to the next level. With the right mindset and the right partner, you'll expand beyond your career comfort zone — and have all the support you need at home.