Kenny Herzog: Page 5

Entrepreneur Staff
Digital Content Director

Kenny Herzog is currently Digital Content Director at Entrepreneur Media. Previously, he has served as Editor in Chief or Managing Editor for several online and print publications, and contributed his byline to outlets including Rolling Stone, New York Magazine/Vulture, Esquire, The Ringer, Men's Health, TimeOut New York, A.V. Club, Men's Journal, Mic, Mel, Nylon and many more.

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Latest: Page 5

Money & Finance

When Is My Third Stimulus Check Coming?

If you qualify, it should be arriving soon.


¿Cuándo llegará mi tercer chequeo de estímulo?

Si califica, debería llegar pronto.

Business News

What Can We Learn About Leadership and Accountability From MLB's Mickey Callaway Debacle?

The Angels pitching coach has been suspended for alleged harassment of multiple women, and reports have emerged that upper management at other organizations knew about his transgressions. We talked with a professional leadership consultant to figure out how this could persist, and what it says about executive ranks in male-dominated fields.


¿Qué podemos aprender sobre el liderazgo y la responsabilidad de la debacle de Mickey Callaway de MLB?

El entrenador de pitcheo de los Angelinos ha sido suspendido por presunto acoso a varias mujeres y han surgido informes de que la alta dirección de otras organizaciones conocía sus transgresiones. Hablamos con un consultor de liderazgo profesional para averiguar cómo podría persistir esto y qué dice sobre los rangos ejecutivos en campos dominados por hombres.

Thought Leaders

Brooklyn-Bred Business Owner Starts Student-Entrepreneur Grant in Immigrant Parents' Names

Lorene Cowan founded the annual National Student Entrepreneur Summit as a forum for networking and mentorship. Now, with her father and late mother top of mind, she's raising the stakes.


El propietario de un negocio criado en Brooklyn inicia una subvención para estudiantes y empresarios a nombre de padres inmigrantes

Lorene Cowan fundó la Cumbre Nacional de Empresarios Estudiantiles anual como un foro para la creación de redes y la tutoría. Ahora, con su padre y su difunta madre en mente, está aumentando las apuestas.