Lesya Liu: Page 6


Lesya Liu helps entrepreneurs create a meaningful and profitable Instagram presence that feels right for their creative businesses. Born and raised in Ukraine, she is a social media strategist and a photographer. Her passion lies in combining art and marketing to create compelling storytelling, both visually and textually. Most days she roams the Interwebs, looking for fresh, inspirational ideas or testing things out on her own social channels.

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Latest: Page 6

Social Media

How to Choose Between Instagram and Snapchat, or Whether You Even Need Them

Before latching onto the Next Big Thing, consider which platform fits your online marketing strategy.

Social Media

With These Apps You Will Absolutely Rock Instagram Marketing

Evaluate your overall digital branding and ensure that Instagram presence fits nicely right into it.

Social Media

Ignore the Uproar. The Instagram Algorithm Change Is a Good Thing.

Ranking newsfeeds by relevancy instead of chronology has upset many but doesn't change the fundamentals for succeeding on Instagram.