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Business News

Burning Mortgage Question: Should You Retire, Then Pay Off Your Mortgage?

What to do with that mortgage? Many soon-to-be retirees wonder whether they should pay it off, but what about current retirees? Here's how you can make that determination.

Business News

How to Get a Fresh Look at Your Finances: Because "That's the Way I've Always Done It" is a Silent Killer

Business owners shun the words, "Because we've always done it that way," and investors should, too. Here's why.

Business News

Getting a Raise Doesn't Guarantee Your Long-Term Financial Success. Here's Why and How You Can Fix It

Can't wait for the good news at year end about your raise or promotion? Think it'll solve all your financial problems? Well, maybe not.

Business News

Retirement Savers, What's Holding You Back from Saving All You Can?

Why can't you max out your 401(k) or other retirement plan? Maybe you really can and you have no idea. Let's take a look at a few common excuses and...

Business News

Do You Believe Giving Attracts Wealth? Many Millionaires Do. Here's How to Make it Work for You

Giving attracts wealth, or so many millionaires believe. Before #GivingTuesday, here's what you need to know about giving and living like a millionaire.

Business News

Got Only Long-Term Investments on the Brain? Hold up. Here's Why You Should Plan for Short-Term Investments as Well

If you're a planner, you may worry more about your long-term investments than your short-term investments. Here's why you need to consider short-term investments, too.