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Business News

Incoming Market "Chop Bucket" — Here's How to Navigate It

The stock market tends to experience periods of turbulence and volatility, often leaving investors feeling uneasy and unsure of how to proceed with their investments. One such period is known...

Business News

Should You Invest in Treasury Bonds?

Most investors have long considered Treasury bonds a safe and reliable investment option. They are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government and are often used...

Business News

The Israeli-Hamas Conflict: The 3 Main Economic Paths

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has sparked concerns about the potential escalation of violence in the Middle East. Analyzing historical parallels, three potential scenarios emerge, each with distinct...

Business News

Gas Prices at $6 per Gallon — Investors are Concerned

As an economic factor, inflation profoundly influences market behavior, as seen in recent United States events. The numbers released in the news indicate that inflation rates exceeded expectations, jeopardizing the...

Business News

What War in The Middle East Means for US Stock Market

Call me crazy, but I don’t see a war breaking out in the world’s oil basin as being a catalyst for stocks moving higher. Especially with inflation being the most...

Business News

How to Be a Winning Investor in The Current Market – Three Simple Options

Investors must be well-prepared for different possible market scenarios. With the ongoing debate on inflation and the role of the Federal Reserve, it is essential to understand how these factors...