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20 Innovative PR Tactics That Made a Mark

Photo by Los Muertos Crew | Pexels

Diving into the world of innovative public relations, we've gathered insights from PR professionals and marketing experts to share their unique and successful tactics. From capitalizing on TikTok trends to pitching via Twitter DMs to bloggers, explore the diverse range of twenty strategies that have made a real impact in the dynamic field of PR.

Capitalize on TikTok Trends

Capitalizing on TikTok trends for personal brands—I love this particular strategy because it often generates great results and is a creative way for me to come up with newsworthy story angles without having to reinvent the wheel! And who doesn't want to share their perspective on trending topics, which often monopolize the news sections of every site?

My advice for executing this approach would be to first think about the industry or field that your client is in. Then, use the TikTok search bar to look up what the masses are talking about within that field. TikTok operates like a search engine, so it should be easy to find a topic that is trending.

After you've found your topic, think about how your client could best contribute to the conversation. Make a fun subject line and look for writers who would be interested in covering your story angle.

Lydia Bagarozza, Publicist, Lydia Bagarozza LLC

Negotiate Media Appearances Creatively

During a campaign for public office several years ago, my candidate was excluded from a televised debate with his opponents after an incredibly successful appearance in a previous one two weeks earlier. I reached out to the producer of the network in this specific market personally, and he told me it was out of his hands and there was nothing he could do.

I then proceeded to book my candidate on a competing television network in that market, as well as on two radio stations and with three newspapers. I reached back out to the producer two days later and told him my candidate's schedule, how busy we would be, and how the number one issue to discuss with them was how his specific network had excluded us, and asked him if he could reconsider including us. He said he'd call me back.

An hour later, the producer reached back out to me and said that he still had absolutely no control over the actual debate itself but offered my candidate a thirty-minute one-on-one interview the very next night on the network, and asked if that would make us happy. I told him that it would, thanked him, and said we were greatly appreciative and that my candidate would now be promoting his appearance on the network with all his other scheduled interviews.

My advice here is to remember that these media outlets are first and foremost for-profit businesses, and that their audiences are not guaranteed. They have to compete in their marketplace, and they are always looking for a good story. If you have a good story, you need to have the confidence to run with it and make them come to you.

Brian Lambrecht, PR Manager, Students For Liberty

Aim for Niche Luxury Publications

Understanding that many publications are working on gifting topics as the holidays approach, we introduced our product, with its modern styling and features, to the luxury lifestyle publication SMagazine, which caters to sophisticated women and covers the latest trends in fashion, beauty, and design. We were selected for publication.

I believe your public relations efforts will benefit from a deeper understanding of magazines, as well as your brand and products. PR professionals should always remember to research publications and media before pitching.

Blair Ye, Public Relations Manager, WaterH

Utilize UGC for Authentic Connection

When working at a previous PR company, I worked on the PR for a European-based wellness tech startup that was trying to get its footing in the UK and US markets.

One barrier to its success was a lack of understanding of how the product was used and, despite scientific research, whether it truly had a beneficial impact on its users. We went down the usual approach of pitching the product for review as well as bolstering the brand's position as thought leaders in the health and well-being space, but we struggled to get consistent coverage, with many commenting they just "didn't get it."

This is when I decided to take a new, more innovative approach—utilizing UGC. UGC, or User-Generated Content, is brand-specific content created either by real users of a brand or commissioned UGC creators that are far more organic and "authentic" than other forms of marketing. Think unboxing videos or reviews. I realized that, while our usual PR approach wasn't bad, we were lacking a "real-life" element that could prove to journalists and potential customers alike that my client's product was not only beneficial but worth the high price point. The authenticity of our UGC drive did what conventional PR couldn't—it connected.

Suddenly, the brand was no longer a faceless entity; it was a community of real people sharing real stories about how my client's product helped their anxiety or insomnia. This connection sparked interest, leading to a surge in engagement and a notable uptick in coverage, with editors from mainstream media outlets reaching out to give the product a try.

By diving into the human element of my client's product as opposed to just the scientific benefits, I was able to cut through the very busy health and well-being sector and carve out a spot for my client as a go-to piece of wellness tech. While this approach won't work for everyone, it works extremely well for those with brands in the FMCG, Beauty, and Wellness sectors, and potentially fashion if you can create an interesting enough hook.

The key is to connect to a brand's users and delve into why they like your client—not only will you get great content, but you'll also get a better understanding of exactly what audiences and angles you should be aiming for, making future PR strategies all that easier.

Georgia O'Brien-Perry, Digital PR Manager, Bulldog Digital Media

Organize a Memorable Flash Mob

Once, I implemented an unconventional PR tactic by organizing a surprise, flash-mob-style event in a bustling public area. This strategy was chosen to create a spontaneous and memorable interaction between the brand and the public, breaking away from conventional methods.

The flash mob, involving dancers wearing branded merchandise, captured attention and generated significant social media buzz. The key takeaway for others considering such a tactic is to focus on creating an element of surprise and delight. It's essential to understand the audience's preferences and design an experience that feels fresh and engaging, ensuring your brand stands out.

Alex Taylor, Head of Marketing, CrownTV

Challenge Journalists Respectfully

At PRLab, we once reached out to journalists to respectfully disagree with the content they had published. This was for a client in the data-services sector. Our goal was simple: to highlight the robustness and accuracy of our client's data by challenging existing narratives. This approach departed from the norm, as it involved rocking the boat to make our point. But showcasing our client's expertise in a crowded market was a calculated move. My advice for those considering a similar tactic is to be bold but always remain courteous and professional.

It's essential to frame your disagreement in a constructive manner, providing clear, evidence-based arguments. This ensures that the conversation remains professional and positions your client as a thought leader in their field. It's a strategy that requires careful execution, but when done right, it can set you apart and make a lasting impression.

Marco Genaro Palma, Content Marketing Manager, PRLab

Leverage VR for Product Launches

One creative PR strategy we used was utilizing virtual reality (VR) experiences to introduce a new product. We chose VR to create an immersive, unforgettable event that could be accessible remotely, recognizing the congested digital world. With this strategy, we distinguished ourselves from traditional product launches and created excitement within and outside of our sector by giving invitees a unique and captivating experience with our product.

Choosing VR was driven by the desire to break through the noise of standard digital marketing and PR strategies. It provided a unique storytelling platform, allowing us to craft a narrative that participants could literally step into, making the product's benefits and features tangible in a way that mere words or images could not. This immersive experience led to significant media coverage and social media buzz, attributed to the novelty and innovative use of technology in a PR context.

I would advise anyone else thinking about using this strategy to make sure their target audience is tech-aware and willing to interact with new technology. To really engage your audience, pay close attention to the storytelling component of the VR experience and make it as interactive and engaging as you can. Recall that while technological innovation may draw notice, the experience's quality is what will make an impression that lasts.

Vincent Iachetta Jr., President, Peppermonkey Media

Host Live Storytelling Webinars

We took an unconventional route by hosting an event where businesses, from buzzing startups to seasoned giants, could pitch their most compelling stories live. We chose a webinar and social media live streams as our platforms. This approach broke the traditional press-release mold, bringing a fresh, dynamic interaction between brands and their audiences. The live element added an authentic, unscripted feel, making each story resonate more deeply with viewers.

For those considering this tactic, my advice is simple: Embrace the spontaneity of live sessions. Prepare, but also allow for organic moments. These instances often hold the most genuine stories.

Matias Rodsevich, Founder, PRHive

Conduct a 24-hour Global Virtual Conference

To enhance our digital marketing efforts, we initiated a "24-Hour Global Virtual Conference" that featured speakers from various time zones around the world, discussing the latest trends and innovations in our industry. This non-stop event was designed to engage audiences across different geographic locations without the constraint of time. We chose this approach to demonstrate our global reach and commitment to being at the forefront of industry conversations.

For those considering this tactic, it's vital to have a robust technical setup to handle live streaming across different platforms and to carefully schedule speakers to cover the entire 24-hour period. This campaign was a resounding success, significantly boosting our online engagement and establishing our brand as a leader in global industry discussions. My advice is to ensure content diversity and interactive sessions to keep the audience engaged around the clock.

David Gaglione, Founding Partner, PS212

Introduce Interactive Loyalty Programs

A successful and innovative strategy I recall involved introducing interactive loyalty programs within a mobile app. Recognizing the growing significance of customer engagement, we designed the app to offer a dynamic and rewarding experience. Customers earned points not just through purchases but also by participating in challenges, quizzes, and social-sharing features.

This strategic decision aimed to tap into the widespread appeal of interactive experiences and encourage prolonged engagement with our brand. The outcomes were substantial, including heightened customer retention, increased app engagement, and a noticeable uptick in overall sales. This loyalty program succeeded in not only fostering repeat business but also cultivating a community spirit around our brand.

For those considering a similar approach, my advice is to align interactive elements with your brand image and cater to your target audience's preferences. Ensure that the rewards hold genuine value and remain attractive, and regularly update the interactive features to sustain interest. This innovative strategy contributes not only to customer loyalty but also shapes the customer experience into an enjoyable and memorable journey with your brand.

Omer Lewinsohn, General Manager, Marketing Expert, Management.org

Create Personalized Jingle Pitches

When we were growing the Museum Hack brand, we employed an unconventional PR tactic that got great results. We called it "song hustle." Essentially, we commissioned a musician to create a personalized jingle pitch for journalists in our niche who worked at highly reputable publications. We turned the songs into videos and sent them off to the journalists.

This unconventional pitch was able to break through the noise in their jam-packed inboxes. All of them viewed the videos multiple times, many responded, and the campaign resulted in at least two media placements—all for a minimal investment. This strategy worked in part because we were a fun and creative brand, and this uncommon tactic was a clever way to demonstrate that upfront and get some attention.

Tasia Duske, CEO, Museum Hack

Leverage Data for Thought Leadership

Instead of pushing pitches about our product or company, we leveraged the data our platform produces for our PR efforts.

Analyzing our product usage around company culture and retention led to some interesting findings, which we heavily leveraged in our pitches. The quantitative insights make a more compelling narrative for publishers and allow our story to be told without any hint of a sales tactic. The publishers get a great story with data, and we get to be seen as thought leaders.

For those of you who don't have data in your platform, don't give up! You can gather quantitative survey data from customers, prospects, or the public and try a similar approach.

Logan Mallory, Vice President of Marketing, Motivosity

Execute Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns

A guerrilla marketing campaign in an urban location was an unusual and successful PR tactic for us. We first identified an area with a high concentration of our target audience. We created interactive installations and catchy displays to generate curiosity and start conversations among passersby.

Everything was carefully planned, from the timings to the placement, for the highest visibility. We used social media platforms to boost this campaign as much as possible. We also encouraged our employees and users to share and talk about the upcoming event everywhere, including on their social media accounts.

The campaign increased our key metrics and brought bumper sales. I'd advise other PR professionals to go as bold and creative as they can. In this age of digital saturation, your creativity is the best way to stand out from the thousands of other online brands. Try to understand your audience through metrics and surprise them using that data!

Faizan Khan, Public Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Post Educational Content for Underserved Communities

In launching and growing Prestizia Insurance, one unorthodox but highly effective PR tactic we utilized was the creation of highly personalized, educational insurance content tailored to underserved communities.

Given the complexity and the often intimidating nature of insurance products for many, we decided to break down these barriers by crafting content that was not only informative but also addressed the specific concerns and circumstances of these communities. This included bilingual materials and workshops that provided clear, accessible guidance on selecting insurance products.

This approach was driven by a simple yet overlooked insight: While people are bombarded with generic sales pitches daily, they crave genuine understanding and solutions to their unique problems. Our focus on delivering value first—with no immediate expectation of a sale—built trust and established Prestizia Insurance as more than just a provider, but as a community resource. This not only fostered deeper relationships with potential clients but significantly amplified our word-of-mouth referrals, translating to a solid customer base built on trust and value.

For those considering adopting a similar strategy, I'd emphasize the importance of truly understanding the needs and challenges faced by your target audience. Go beyond the surface and invest time in community engagement to uncover these insights. Then, leverage this understanding to create content and offer services that genuinely meet these needs. This strategy may require more upfront effort and a commitment to education and engagement, but the long-term payoff in brand loyalty and market differentiation is well worth it. Always remember, providing real value leads to real returns, and in PR, authenticity and trust are your most valuable currencies.

John Crist, Managing Director, Prestizia Insurance

Develop Personalized Interactive Digital Experiences

One particularly unique approach that stands out is the development and use of highly personalized, interactive digital experiences for engaging with our audience and press targets. This was inspired by Airbnb's Barbie Malibu DreamHouse campaign, which not only showcased the power of creating unique experiences but also emphasized engagement through personal relevance and creative storytelling.

Why this approach? In the crowded digital space, cutting through the noise requires more than just clever messaging; it demands interactive and memorable experiences that resonate at a personal level. For instance, creating an interactive quiz that helps businesses identify their e-commerce maturity stage, followed by personalized advice and case studies (like those from Amazon's Prime Day or Dove's Real Beauty campaign), not only provides value but also sparks conversations.

My advice to anyone looking to explore this tactic is to deeply understand your audience's preferences and pain points. Use this insight to craft interactive experiences that are not just novel, but also highly relevant and valuable to your audience. This strategy not only fosters engagement but can also significantly amplify your message through social shares and word-of-mouth.

Steve Pogson, Founder, First Pier

Turn Negative Reviews into Opportunities

One unconventional PR tactic we've used is turning our more negative reviews into a positive PR opportunity. We publicly responded to each comment with transparency and accountability, showing that we value all feedback.

The approach isn't just damage control; it's about humanizing the brand and building trust. Consumers appreciate honesty and openness.

For others looking to try this, my advice is clear: Don't shy away from criticism. Embrace it, respond thoughtfully, and let your actions speak. It turns detractors into advocates and showcases your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Casey Jones, Founder, Head of Marketing, CJ&CO

Partner for Experiential Media Coverage

Think beyond specifically what you need coverage for when determining your media-grabbing angle for pitches. To garner coverage of a new experiential area in a shopping mall, I partnered with a local small business owner offering mom-and-baby classes.

Though we offered these exclusive meetup dates as free events, this secured multimedia coverage for awareness of the mall's new [brand-sponsored] area. It also helped the SMB owner grow her business and gave us both unique content for organic social media.

Patricia Bardin, Product Marketing Manager, Global SMB Content Strategy

Invite to Silent Press Events

Silent press events are a massively underrated PR tactic. Instead of traditional presentations or speeches, we invited journalists and influencers to an immersive experience where they could interact with our product in a quiet, distraction-free environment.

This approach aimed to create a more intimate and focused atmosphere, allowing attendees to fully engage with the product without external distractions. It allowed us to differentiate ourselves from the typical noisy and crowded press events, enabling us to make a memorable impression and garner more meaningful coverage.

My advice is to meticulously plan and pay attention to detail. Create an environment that facilitates genuine interaction and conversation, and tailor the experience to align with your brand values and messaging. Use social media teasers to generate curiosity among attendees and the wider audience.

Perry Zheng, Founder and CEO, Pallas

Empower Clients with User-Generated Content

One standout strategy involved harnessing the power of storytelling through user-generated content (UGC). We encouraged our small-business clientele, particularly in sectors like auto repair and home renovations, to share their success stories and the impact of digital transformation on their operations. This method not only amplified our reach organically but significantly enhanced the authenticity and relatability of our brand.

Choosing this approach was strategic; it aimed to spotlight the real, tangible benefits of our software platforms for those not inherently tech-savvy. By focusing on stories rather than specifications, we were able to demystify digital adoption for our target audience. The result was not just an increase in engagement but, more importantly, a stronger trust bond with our existing and potential customers.

For those contemplating a similar path, I'd stress the importance of creating a simple, accessible platform for sharing these stories. Moreover, actively celebrate and promote this user-generated content across your channels to maximize its impact.

Another unique tactic we employed involved collaborating closely with community colleges and vocational schools. We offered workshops and free trials of our software, tailored specifically for trades like construction, plumbing, and electrical work. This not only positioned us as a supportive ally in the professional development of tradespeople but also allowed us to directly engage with our end-user base in a meaningful way. This blend of educational outreach and practical assistance proved to be a powerful tool in breaking down barriers to technology adoption.

My advice to those exploring similar strategies would be to deeply understand the unique challenges and needs of your target audience. Tailor your approach to address these directly, and always prioritize adding genuine value above mere promotion.

Rex Liu, Chief Revenue Officer, GoSite

Pitch via Twitter DMs to Bloggers

When I was working with a local agency during my master's program, my team and I were representing a brand-new sports clothing line. The company was partnered with the MLBPA, and its products featured top players from across the league. Since brand awareness was vital for us, we knew we wanted to tap into the baseball community on what was then Twitter.

Team blogs and their writers have super-engaged audiences who are often die-hard fans of specific players, not just the team they root for. These writers aren't your typical journalists either; they are casual bloggers, unlike your beat reporters whom you can find an email for on MuckRack.

Connecting with these writers meant thinking outside the box, so we pitched via Twitter DMs! We focused on writers from the top markets set by our client and tailored each pitch to mention their team's fan-favorite player.

This tactic allowed us to connect our client with bloggers and writers based in Chicago and Seattle. We sent them player-specific products and were able to start the conversation to get the CEO on-air with the Chicago-based group. For a brand that had started less than two months before this outreach plan, we were proud our unusual tactic drew interest and was able to start planting those brand awareness seeds.

Don't be afraid to pitch or connect with those driving conversations, especially in the realm of sports, in unique ways! Different sports communities run deep; don't shy away from creating your space where the action is happening.

Haley Spracale, Community Manager, Featured