Amazon Live

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Bold Bets and Big Career Decisions How a criminal lawyer turned influencer used Amazon Live Shoppable Videos as her driving force.

Amazon Live

How it started

Many of us know at least one person who has traded out their traditional 9-5 job to become a content creator. Changing jobs and industries – particularly ones seen as traditional and stable – can be daunting, and content creation might not suit everyone. Others though, have thrived from trading in their briefcases for the world of content creation and entrepreneurship. I'm one of those people.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was working as a criminal lawyer by day, and perusing TikTok by night. One night, it struck me that I wasn't scrolling to pass the time – I was genuinely enjoying the content. I was constantly learning – whether it was new products, fun dances, or creator tips. Something clicked in my brain and I thought, "Why spend my downtime consuming other people's content when I could create my own?"

For six months I consistently posted TikToks, started to grow a following, met new internet friends, and built a community. As I became more involved with my new side hustle and less interested in my day job, I wondered if I could make content creation my full-time career. Eventually I reached 45k followers on TikTok, which is when I signed up for the Amazon Influencer Program. I set up my storefront and started posting content like crazy.

When Amazon Live Shoppable Videos reached out asking if I wanted to start streaming, I remember thinking, "Say less. All I have to do is talk about my favorite products and livestream from my own home? Sign me up!" It was really a no-brainer for me. From there I built a following of more than 250k followers on TikTok and at that point, I knew I was able to pivot my focus from my small, private law practice in North Carolina to becoming a full-time influencer.

How it's going

Hosting Amazon Live streams has become a leading force in my business strategy. I try to host one every week, but it really depends on what else is going on in my life. That's the beauty of being a full-time influencer and working with programs like Amazon Live– you can make your own schedule and prioritize your time how you want to. Amazon Live has allowed me to work from home and spend more time with my family and friends. I no longer feel stressed out, underpaid, and underappreciated – all of which I felt in the past.

Amazon Live Shoppable Videos is now where I make a sizable percentage of my income – I wouldn't be able to be a full-time influencer without it. I love how it recognizes and values authenticity. Livestreaming only works, customers only purchase products I recommend, if I'm genuine with my audience and provide honest product recommendations based on my experience. People are on Amazon to shop and creators like me are here to help them do that.

Livestreaming on Amazon is simple: I hop on the Amazon Live Creator app and I'm instantly streaming on Amazon where millions of customers have a chance to see my content. I genuinely have fun during my livestreams because I love engaging with viewers in real time, answering their questions about products, and showing them the items up close. It's difficult to give an in-depth description of various products in short form content like on TikTok, while also keeping it engaging. With livestreams, I can do just that. I can show viewers how something fits, what the fabric feels like, and best of all, I can answer their specific questions via live chat. How will the jumpsuit fit for someone who is taller – or shorter? Is the fabric light enough for a summer wedding? How's the quality? Livestreaming helps customers feel more comfortable and confident with their purchases, which is what we all want.

Where it's headed

Content creation takes time and effort, so why not make that content work harder for you? This is one of the reasons I'm really excited about working with Amazon – there's a number of opportunities available to content creators to help them diversify their revenue. For example, with shoppable videos, I'm able to take content that I've created for other sites, upload it to Amazon, tag products and create an entirely new passive revenue stream. Once I upload the content, I sit back and earn commissions from purchases made from those videos. Whether it's through livestreams, brand sponsorships, affiliate commissions, or repurposing content via shoppable videos, there are many different ways that creators can monetize their content on Amazon and diversify their revenue – which I've learned is critical to long-term success and building my brand.

Since I became a creator and started working with Amazon Live Shoppable Videos, I've been able to grow my TikTok following to over 620k followers and partner with brands such as Dove and Aveeno.

If you're looking to make a change, I hope my journey can be seen as a blueprint for a strategic career pivot and encourages you to take that leap, to trust your gut, and make bold bets.

At first, creating content was just a side hustle. Now, I'm a full-time influencer and I'm never going back.

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This article was written by Tiana Young Morris