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Checking IDs What's in Mom's maiden name? Big bucks for crooks

By Ellen Paris

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The new breed of thieves don't rob banks or cracksafes--instead, they steal personal information from companies andindividuals and use it for financial crime, from credit-card fraudto insurance schemes. "These days, it's easier for acriminal to obtain personal identifiers than steal yourwallet," says the General Accounting Office's RichardStana.

"The personal information you might collect as a way ofdoing business can be stolen and used," cautions Stana."Business owners who maintain files should protect them asthey would any valuable asset."

But vital information doesn't have to end up in the wronghands. Using a document-destruction company to truck your paperwaste to giant industrial shredders could be what you need to keepyour--and your customers'--peace of mind.

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