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Fast Track Get on the road to success with the right franchise or business opportunity.

Choosing a franchise or business opportunity is as exciting-andconfusing-as choosing a new car. There are hundreds to select from,each one shinier and more appealing than the next. But how do youlook beyond the razzle-dazzle of the showroom to find out whetheryou're making a smart investment . . . orgetting stuck with a lemon?

Whether you're shopping for a car or an opportunity, thesecret to making a smart purchase is the same: Do yourhomework.

To begin, it's essential to understand the differencebetween a business opportunity and a franchise. The term"business opportunity" encompasses many types ofbusinesses-including franchises. In general, a business opportunityis any opportunity that enables you to make money. Specifically, itrefers to the sale of a product or service in which the sellerpromises buyers they will make a profit, that there is a market forthe product or service, or that the seller will buy any unsoldmerchandise back from buyers.

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