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Resources 05/05 Websites, organizations, events and more to grow your business

Click-N-Ship is the U.S. Postal Service's online shippingservice, where you can create labels and pay for your domestic andinternational shipping needs using your own computer and printer.Click-N-Ship calculates postage rates, finds ZIP codes, andstand-ardizes and saves addresses and shipping history information.You can even use the service to purchase insurance for the packagesyou send.

CrispAds is an ad network for blogs and RSS/Atom feeds. Advertiserscan strategically place text ads within specific articles, blogentries and feeds that are relevant to their target markets forless than 60 cents per click. Reports are generated that displaytables of your placements with the resulting ad views, ad clicks,costs per click and total ad costs.

Looking for a cost-effective business-based service? VendorSeek.comis an online B2B marketplace that processes more than 5,000requests per month from businesses seeking price quotes from itsApproved Vendor Network. VendorSeek offers quoting services in over150 different business service categories. There is no cost forbusinesses seeking price quotes; vendors pay an annual fee of $99plus minimal lead fees.

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