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What's the key to entrepreneurial success? That is probablythe question I am most often asked. I don't believe there isonly one answer to that question, but here are a few factors toconsider:

  • Treat your people well.Your business is only as good as the people who work for you. Treatthem with respect and dignity, and chances are, that's howthey'll handle your clients and customers. Employees want morethan a paycheck from you. Give them a forum to make suggestions,allow them to make decisions and let them feel they truly make adifference to your company.
  • Listen to your customers.Sounds so basic, I know, but you'd be surprised how manybusinesses don't. Talk to your customers (e-mail is a great wayto do this, but don't spam them). Ask for their suggestions.Pay attention to their feedback. They know what they want and whatyou are and are not giving them.

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