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Five Things CBD Companies Don't Want You to Know

Pass Health Foods

With the CBD craze in full swing and so many new brands looking to cash in, it can be difficult to decipher fact versus fiction.

In fact, a 2017 study found that nearly two-thirds of products purchased from 31 different online CBD vendors contained a different amount of CBD than they claimed. To add insult to injury, another 21% tested positive for THC content – an ingredient reputable CBD companies avoid.

What this tells us is that many CBD companies are hiding behind the shroud of mystery that consumes the industry; we're here to clear through some of that smoke.

To make things easy, we've compiled a list of five things CBD companies don't want you to know:

1. European-Sourced Hemp: Yay or Nay?

What many companies fail to mention is that their products may be sourced from less regulated European hemp. Cannabis rules and regulations vary from country to country – what may be legal in one country may be illegal in the next. For example: in Switzerland, CBD products can contain up to 1% THC, while in France they must be less than 0.2%, and England allows zero THC in their cannabis products. For many, it is cheaper to import European hemp products than to take the time and effort to find reputable suppliers in America.

Even our Canadian brothers and sisters to the north planted roughly 140,000 acres in 2017, an increase of about 80% from the 75,000 acres grown in 2016. European countries, mostly from the west, produced another 81,000 acres of hemp. These numbers pale in comparison to China, who produced roughly 250 million pounds of hemp on 30,000 acres of hemp – that's one-third of the total global production.

But the US is quickly gaining ground. Hemp production more than doubled in 2017, with 18 states combining to grow 23,346 acres of hemp. These numbers are up from 15 states producing 9,649 acres in 2016. As you can see, America still has a lot of farm ground to cover if they want to become a serious player in the hemp and CBD cultivation game.

2. Manufacturer Over Marketer

Companies often make claims that products are their own when, in fact, they are only "white labeling." Also known as white label branding, this is when a brand takes a product produced by another company and simply slaps a label on it as if it is their own.

This can be severely misleading for consumers who think they are getting one product but in reality are getting something completely different. One telltale sign of companies that use this approach is higher prices. In order to cover costs of being a "middle-man," these companies need to hike up their prices just to stay afloat. Do your consumer due diligence, and research prices and product quality to determine you're making the right choice of CBD oil.

3. Full Spectrum: Worth the THC?

If you're new to the CBD world, "full spectrum" may be a term you have never seen before. But for those that have been around, this term describes the type of extraction process in which CBD is removed from its plant source. Full-spectrum CBD oil will remove, and use, all the parts of the plant; this includes seeds, stems, flowers, stalks, etc.

While this offers a wide range of benefits, consumers run the high risk of failing a drug test and testing positive for THC. Even the slightest amount of THC – less than 1% – can show up on a drug test. While full-spectrum CBD sounds good in theory, is 0.3% THC even enough to do anything beneficial for your body?

That's where "broad-spectrum" extraction comes into play. By taking pure, THC-free CBD isolate, this extraction method ensures that THC is completely removed from the equation. CBD isolate is just that, an isolate of CBD that has been carefully extracted from the hemp plant to guarantee purity. These products will then take the additional benefits of the hemp plant – terpenes (essential oils for added benefits), flavonoids (for color and flavor), amino acids (for more benefits) and other cannabinoids (for even more added benefits) – and combines them with CBD isolate. All with zero THC for added peace of mind.

4. Third-Party Testing: Just a Gimmick?

If you've been doing your research, most companies and whistleblowers claim third-party testing is the Holy Grail of validation. While this may ring true, there is a bit more to it than just supplying test results.

Most CBD companies have an online presence so all their information is available at your fingertips. But, what most consumers don't know, these results can be forged, false, or completely fake. With technology today, recreating false lab results is all too easy – and common.

In addition to fake reports, companies can conduct continuous rounds of testing until they achieve their desired results. Companies can claim that their CBD oil is 99% pure after testing small, controlled batches. By testing small batches, companies can claim that all their products are 99% pure, but that may only be true for one small batch.

Third-party lab results are a must when finding the right CBD oil for you. Just make sure that the company has multiple results across varying batches. This will help lead you towards CBD companies that have your personal health in mind.

5. False Claims of Instant Relief

Buzzwords like "cure-all" and "miracle drug" tend to draw in consumers.

Studies have shown the efficacy of CBD oil in a range of capacities. But, even the biggest advocates of this natural alternative recognize that CBD is in the early stages of testing. Companies that make claims about their products being a "miracle drug" are simply doing so to earn a quick buck.

In addition to buzzwords, companies will often claim that their products deliver instant relief – this is simply not true. While there are applications (such as vaping CBD oil) that will result in more immediate effects, there is no "instant satisfaction." CBD oil as a health supplement will take time to adjust for each person. Some people may feel relief within a couple days, while others may take a couple weeks.

It's always suggested to continue a consistent CBD regimen for at least 2-3 weeks; companies that disclose this fact have your best interests in mind By allowing an extended period of time, your body will be more likely to fully adjust to the wealth of natural benefits. Companies that claim their products provide instant relief, are merely attempting to profit off your curiosity.

Final Thoughts: Is CBD is Worth a Try?

With so many players in the game, there are some reputable companies you can trust – take cbdMD for instance. They take the time to put in the effort towards perfecting their products. Their CBD is sourced from domestically-grown, organic hemp plants and their products are processed, bottled, and shipped direct from their own state-of-the-art facilities. Their website offers plenty of tools for CBD education, while giving insight into their processes. The more you know, the better prepared you are to make a smart purchase.

Do your homework, be wary of unverified claims, and enjoy all-natural relief – you deserve it.