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How Can Startups Leverage Influencers?

Photo by Anna Shvets | Pexels

Leveraging influencers can be a game-changer in the dynamic world of startup public relations and marketing. We've gathered perspectives from executive marketing professionals to agency founders to showcase 18 different insights. From identifying niche partnerships to amplifying visibility with targeted campaigns, these experts share how startups can effectively use influencers to boost their public relations efforts

Identify and Partner with Influencers in Your Niche

The first step towards leveraging influencer marketing is to identify your product or service niche. Identifying your niche allows you to directly market to your customer base, increasing lead generation and revenue. Identify individuals with a significant following in the domain your business operates in, allowing you to influence the target audience.

Apart from the most common examples of influencer partnerships, like product endorsements, you can team up with influencers for more interactive roles like content co-creation. Create authentic and engaging content with popular influencers to increase your start-up's social media reach. Utilizing this strategy allows you to showcase your brand's features, values, and unique selling points to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Examples of content co-creation include social media posts, blogs, or short videos for platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

For example, let's assume you run a business in the health and wellness domain. You can partner with popular influencers who focus on topics like beauty, fitness, or productivity to showcase your strengths. Partnering with influencers directly increases your reach and targets the potential customer base. Leveraging influencers in your PR efforts builds an organic following essential for a loyal customer base.

Nikita Sharma, Chief Marketing Officer, Hicentrik Digital Marketing

Invest in Micro-Influencers for Better Impact

Never underestimate the impact of micro-influencers. Though a startup might want a big household name for their campaign, it can be an expensive investment. Instead, find micro-influencers who may have a smaller follower count but are well-known among your prospective customers. Because they know the industry or are more relevant, they'll likely influence your results more than a celebrity—and at a fraction of the cost!

Logan Mallory, Keynote Speaker, Logan Mallory Speaks

Use Revenue-Share Opportunities to Partner with Influencers

Influencers are a great place for startups to make an impact on their brand visibility, and if done correctly, it can be a cost-effective way for your brand to gain some initial traction. With a meat and seafood startup, we partnered with recipe influencers on a revenue-share basis to feature relevant products within their recipe content. It provided an option for their consumers to easily shop for the proper product to recreate the recipe and gave the brand some initial eyeballs that increased traffic and demand.

Kristina Nolan, Vice President of Media Services, DMi Partners

Generate Web Traffic with User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is one of the best ways startups can leverage influencers to produce high-quality, E-A-T-friendly content for very little resources.

An example I'll use is when I needed to generate new traffic to a Google Tag Manager (GTM) tool that my agency had created.

I asked GTM experts their opinions on what the best GTM tools were and why. I then compiled their answers into a 22-item list with our tool at the top.

Because the article featured expert recommendations, it was great in terms of E-A-T and ranked well for relevant keywords such as 'GTM tools.'

But don't stop there. I shared the article on LinkedIn, tagging all the experts who contributed, the companies they work for, and the companies they recommended in the article. Because everybody was so happy to be involved, they all shared it like crazy.

Leaving me with:

  1. A high-ranking, E-A-T-friendly article generating organic traffic.
  2. A listicle with my product at the top.
  3. Thousands of social impressions.
  4. New potential partnerships to explore with all the people involved.

Costing very little resources, which startups typically don't have a lot of!

Will Rice, SEO & Marketing Manager, MeasureMinds Group

Engage Company Leaders for Personalized Messaging

Startups as a whole are able to reach the masses very effectively by involving leaders in their PR operations who, in turn, can convey the brand message in a personalized manner. This approach entails identifying individuals who have an audience that matches the startup's target market data and who share the same values. Collaboration can be done in different ways, such as product reviews, endorsements, influencer-led campaigns, and events, each aimed at ensuring that a brand is credible, trusted, and developing strong communities.

One concrete case is a high-tech company like a startup that designs environmentally-friendly devices. They collaborated with influencers who are enthusiastic about both having a sustainable lifestyle and living in a technological age. Smart gadgets were featured by them on their platforms, highlighting the product's eco-friendly nature and unique characteristics. This strategy was not only relevant for the micro-influencer audience but, at the same time, it also helped in building a credible image of the brand, which is associated with their mission. The result was a significant growth in visibility, engagement, and sales, which proved that working with influencers helps a company to achieve its communication and marketing goals, and ultimately, success.

Nikki Jain, Director of Communications And Public Relations, The Sprout PR

Transform Employees into Brand Advocates

One of the easiest ways PR managers can leverage influencers at the startup level is to transform internal startup employees into advocates for the company, the company's products, and the brand. If the PR manager has any overlap with the internal communications department's planning and execution efforts (which PR managers typically do in the startup/'wearing many hats' setting), there are a few simple but effective tactics that communications professionals can use to turn their rank-and-file into influential ambassadors.

Those options include: a monthly internal newsletter, quarterly town hall meetings led by senior leadership, and creating a hashtag for your startup's 'employee life/wellness' program and encouraging employees to share the hashtag on their LinkedIn and other appropriate social media accounts.

Brett White, Senior PR Manager, Anker Innovations

Share Customer Stories for Social Proof

Telling the story of why a customer chose to use our startup is strong social proof that could resonate with other potential customers. In our case, we kept hearing from new customers who decided to use our services because of our strong commitment to sustainability. We connected with them to retell their stories so others in their circles who also care about the same cause could benefit from our services.

Sarah Gilbert, Public Relations Manager, Lulu.com

Facilitate In-Person Events for Influencers

Startups can leverage influencers in PR efforts by facilitating in-person interactions with them. The more interactions there are, the more they will indicate close associations of influencers with the brands. Thus, it will show that the influencers like the brands' products and services. Eventually, their followers will also start trying and buying products and services. There are many opportunities for in-person interactions.

For instance, brands can invite influencers to product launches. They can have them use the first trials of products and services. Likewise, they can ask them to attend company events. Another way is to conduct live interviews with influencers and record their opinions on the products and services. As influencers share these in-person interactions on social media platforms, it will boost the PR efforts of the brands.

Rahul Kumar, Founder & CEO, RankSoldier

Utilize TikTok Creator Marketplace for Partnerships

Personally, I recommend starting with the TikTok Creator Marketplace, as in my experience, this is by far the easiest and most risk-free way to shop around for the right influencer or content creator on TikTok. This is basically TikTok's virtual meeting point, where businesses and content creators can digitally meet up to negotiate deals and size each other up, and it comes with an appropriate amount of tools and resources for vetting your potential partners. You get a remarkable amount of backend information on every creator in the marketplace, letting you easily figure out which one is going to be the safest bet for your brand and helping you set up the right type of deal to drive your efforts.

Kate Kandefer, CEO, SEOwind

Tap Into Consumer Trust with Influencers

PR managers can utilize psychological principles to leverage influencers effectively in their PR efforts for startups. One approach is to tap into the concept of social proof, which suggests that people are more likely to adopt a behavior if they see others, particularly influential individuals, engaging in it. By strategically partnering with influencers who have a strong presence and credibility within the target audience, startups can capitalize on the influencer's social influence to validate their brand and offerings. For instance, a mental wellness startup could collaborate with influencers who openly discuss their own struggles with mental health, thereby leveraging the influencer's authenticity and relatability to resonate with their audience. This approach not only enhances brand visibility but also taps into the psychological mechanisms of trust and identification, ultimately driving positive perceptions and engagement with the startup's PR efforts.

Cassandra Marie, Partnerships Manager, Penfriend

Create Authentic Partnerships for Positive PR

Influencers play a pivotal role for startups, offering not only a wealth of content but also crucial brand exposure to untapped audiences. Take our own experience, for instance. A beauty influencer, having previously purchased our whitening product, featured it in a TikTok video expressing her satisfaction. Upon our outreach, offering more supplies and an updated product, she eagerly accepted. Subsequently, her followers began inquiring about her teeth-whitening routine, prompting a dedicated video endorsing our products. This resulted in a notable uptick in our TikTok following, previously modest, and a surge of product purchases within hours of the video's release.

This example underscores the power of leveraging influencers for startups. Remarkably, we didn't compensate the influencer monetarily; rather, we provided complimentary products. Many influencers are open to such arrangements, particularly those genuinely passionate about a brand. Establishing authentic partnerships with influencers is fundamental for yielding positive PR outcomes.

Lindsey Wolf, Marketing Manager, SportingSmiles

Showcase Brand Values with Like-Minded Creators

My experience encompasses various aspects of digital marketing, including leveraging social media channels to enhance brand visibility and engagement. One method that stands out is the strategic use of influencer partnerships to amplify our clients' messages and reach targeted audiences more effectively.

For example, we once worked with a startup in the eco-friendly products space. Understanding the importance of credibility and authentic engagement in this sector, we identified and partnered with influencers who were genuine advocates for sustainability and had established, engaged communities. These influencers shared their experiences with the products through their channels, offering personal testimonials that resonated with their followers far more authentically than traditional advertisements could. This not only increased the startup's visibility but also built trust and credibility with a highly targeted audience.

Measuring the success of these efforts, we closely monitored engagement rates, conversion metrics, and direct feedback from the influencers' communities. We found that influencer-generated content led to a significant uptick in website traffic and sales, demonstrating the tangible impact of integrating influencers into our PR strategy. It's crucial, from my perspective, to approach influencer partnerships with a focus on authenticity and brand alignment. This ensures that the collaboration delivers value to both the startup and the influencers' audiences, fostering a genuine connection that drives growth and engagement.

Leveraging influencers in PR efforts can offer startups a powerful tool for amplification and engagement, provided these partnerships are approached with strategic intent and a focus on genuine, mutual value. It's clear that when influencers' voices align with brand messages, the result is a deeply impactful narrative that resonates with audiences and fosters meaningful brand relationships.

Kevin Watts, President & Founder, Raincross

Connect with the Right Consumers and Start Consumer Journey

Influencer marketing is highly effective in adding a voice to your brand as part of a PR strategy. For PR professionals, social media influencers have dramatically altered the landscape. Leveraging their online influence, these individuals offer new content opportunities and the potential to expand the audience of a campaign, especially in ways that could have been less personal before. Brands partnering with influencers can enjoy benefits like enhanced positive perception, heightened customer engagement, and increased awareness of products that might have been previously unknown to potential customers.

I have a personal example to share: During 2020, like many others confined at home, I became more focused on leading a healthy lifestyle. This newfound interest led me to BuzzFeed Tasty's recipe videos and at-home YouTube workouts. As someone unfamiliar with how to start and what products to use for my wellness goals, I began following more nutrition-focused bloggers and relevant influencers on Instagram. Their industry insights, coupled with a bit of my own research, quickly led me to some of my favorite nutrition products.

The rapid growth and success of social influencers have prompted companies to allocate more of their marketing budget to influencer partnerships. By adapting traditional PR strategies and incorporating these influencer relationships, PR professionals can bridge the gap, effectively championing the brand's vision, values, and interests.

Amy Tribe, Director, OGLF (Our Good Living Formula)

Access High-Profile Events Through Influencers

More and more, we are seeing influencers gain access to hot-ticket events with some of the biggest names in the business. The BAFTAs, the Grammys, and Fashion Week are just a few of the recent events where we have started seeing influencers take center stage. So, if you want to make a big impact with your influencer relationships and leverage them, you can start to see yourself at, or at least have your business represented in, really important places.

This may sound like a pipe dream, but ensuring you select the right influencer to promote your products could result in you being discussed alongside really big names.

On the flip side, this can greatly support your PR presentations because, all of a sudden, someone who might be more synonymous with younger generations has a more global appeal. Images of them at big events can be used to enhance your PR packs, grabbing far more attention for your sales pitch.

Brett Downes, Founder, Haro Helpers

Collaborate with Expert Influencers for Education

In the e-learning sector, my strategy has involved leveraging influencers as educational partners rather than mere endorsers. By partnering with influencers who are also subject-matter experts, we've co-created a series of educational content that adds value to both our audience and the influencers' followers.

For instance, collaborating with a well-known language tutor on social media, we developed a unique language-learning challenge that integrated our e-learning platform's features. This not only showcased the platform's capabilities in a real-world context but also established our brand as a valuable educational resource.

The partnership enhanced credibility and fostered trust among a highly engaged audience seeking to learn, demonstrating the power of combining expert knowledge with our technological solutions.

Ryan Hammill, Executive Director, Ancient Language Institute

Partner with Bloggers for Destination-Specific Content

To effectively leverage the power of influencer marketing, startups should consider strategic collaborations with bloggers who align with their brand's values and target audience. Engaging influencers for destination-specific content can significantly enhance brand visibility and credibility.

For instance, we recently worked with a travel blogger known for sustainable travel to highlight eco-friendly accommodations and activities offered through our platform in a popular destination. The influencers shared blog posts, social media stories, and live updates throughout their journey, providing authentic insights and personal recommendations.

This method not only showcases offerings in an authentic light but also taps into the influencer's loyal following, potentially driving increased interest and bookings. The key is to ensure a natural fit between the influencer's content style and your brand's offerings, maximizing the impact of the collaboration.

David Ciccarelli, CEO, Lake

Tap into the "Realness" of Influencer Recommendations

Using influencers can establish authenticity. The issue with conventional advertising is its predictability. Most viewers of a television advertisement can identify the product before the brand is even displayed. This experience leaves one feeling disinterested and uninvolved.

Social media influencers change the game with their imperfect and unforeseen content. Their posts are deemed relatable and engaging because they portray "real" people, complete with their own thoughts, opinions, and personalities.

The most significant aspect is that influencers maintain genuine engagement with their audience. This bond is created as influencers share their real-life experiences and viewpoints. Followers place their trust in these personalities and value their product recommendations and opinions. Businesses benefit by riding on the coattails of these established relationships through sponsored promotions.

Why opt for an actor when you can tap into a large audience through someone who genuinely appreciates your brand? While polished television commercials may appear attractive, people are equally drawn to influencers who are approachable and straightforward. However, it's crucial to select the appropriate influencer. The goal of your influencer marketing strategy is to generate excitement and involvement regarding your brand or product. To achieve this, selecting an influencer who aligns well with your brand's values is essential.

This selection process should be approached with seriousness because influencer campaigns are demanding and extensive undertakings. Aim to identify influencers who are either experienced or at least committed to authentically representing your objectives and principles.

Antoinette Jackson, Creative Director & Founder, SuperBee

Amplify Awareness with Targeted Campaigns

Influencers, particularly those with a sizable following and a strong engagement rate, can be a game-changer for startups. They have the ability to reach a vast, yet targeted, demographic that could otherwise remain untapped. As such, they can serve as a powerful tool in a startup's PR arsenal. The key, however, lies in choosing the right influencers who align with your brand's values and ethos.

From my experience, a well-executed influencer partnership can significantly amplify a brand's visibility. For instance, we once launched a Mother's Day gift campaign where we collaborated with lifestyle influencers, who are also young mothers. They shared personalized product recommendations from our site, creating relatable content for their followers. This not only increased the visibility of our brand but also drove sales up due to the trust these influencers had built with their followers. Furthermore, startups can also leverage influencers for content creation. High-quality, authentic content created by influencers can enhance your brand's image and credibility. It's essential to allow influencers some creative freedom as they understand their audience best and know what type of content resonates with them. This approach, when combined with other PR efforts, can result in a well-rounded and effective PR strategy.

Billy Parker, Managing Director, Gift Delivery