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How Rooftop Solar Panels Help The Home Depot Achieve Energy Sustainability Utilizing alternative energy sources can help your business cut costs and reach your sustainability objectives.

GE Solar

For businesses large and small, there are numerous reasons to consider implementing an energy sustainability plan. Regardless of your industry, adopting sustainable business practices can improve your bottom line—everything from reduced energy consumption, to a reduced reliance on the power grid, to a positive brand association, can offset up-front integration costs over time.

But randomly selecting a renewable energy system, in isolation, can limit its effectiveness. Businesses should carefully assess their energy needs, real estate holdings, and the capabilities of a renewable system before they make a decision.

That's where the insight and expertise of Constellation—a leading competitive retail supplier of power, natural gas and distributed energy services, serving more than two million homes and businesses nationwide—can make a big difference.

Take it from The Home Depot. Constellation is working with GE's Solar Development team to help The Home Depot reach its goal of utilizing 135 megawatts of alternative energy by 2020.

The solar project at the Washington D.C. store, now the largest single rooftop array in the District according to Energy Acuity data, is expected to supply more than 9.9 million kilowatt hours of electricity to The Home Depot over a 15-year period, accounting for an anticipated 35 percent to 40 percent of the store's annual energy use.

The Home Depot will purchase the electricity generated by the system through a 15-year power purchase agreement with Constellation. GE's Solar Development team designed the project, led the construction process and will be responsible for operations and maintenance during the term of the contract.

The solar power system—comprised of more than 1,400 LG photovoltaic panels—is expected to avoid more than 7,300 metric tons of carbon dioxide during the full term of operation and have the same benefit to the environment as taking 1,578 passenger vehicles off the road, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data.

The project is expected to expand to include similar installations at The Home Depot stores in Prince George's County and Montgomery County in Maryland by the end of 2018.

Solar rooftop arrays are beneficial when businesses like The Home Depot have ample unused space in sunlit areas. But rooftop solar is not always the best fit when the roof is not positioned correctly, has structural obstacles or needs repairs. That's when ground-mounted or parking lot systems could be a better approach.

Constellation can work with businesses and government customers to evaluate which clean energy solution will provide the most value. Constellation has helped commercial customers and government organizations throughout the U.S. to implement a wide variety of energy efficiency programs, including those harnessing the power of renewable energy. With access to cutting edge energy and efficiency products, including tips for engaging your employees in energy-saving practices, Constellation can help you maximize every energy dollar.

Click here to learn more about how Constellation's clean energy solutions can help reduce your bottom line.