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Who's Steering the Ship? A new study says you are the captain of your own destiny.

By Nichole L. Torres

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Psychics predict the future. Entrepreneurs make their ownfuture.

At least that's what a recent study from the University ofWashington in Seattle suggests. Instead of trying to predict howmarkets will behave, entrepreneurs launch companies with littleregard for market predictions and focus instead on the issues theycan control.

Saras D. Sarasvathy, an assistant entrepreneurship professor atthe University of Washington Business School, conducted the studyof 27 entrepreneurs, whose companies grossed between $200 millionand $6.7 billion annually. While companies varied in type andindustry, Sarasvathy found that overall, entrepreneurs eschewpredictions, preferring instead to create their own marketpossibilities by making good decisions in the areas they cancontrol.

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