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Investing 101 A crash course in building your personal portfolio

By Lorayne C. Fiorillo

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"For herein Fortune shows herself more kind than is hercustom; it is still her use To let wretched man outlive his wealthTo view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow An age ofpoverty."

In The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare aptly describedone reason we invest-so we don't outlive our wealth. (Note thata person who is 65 today is expected to live to 84, if male, and88, if female.) Without an investment plan that's sensitive toboth immediate and long-term goals, as well as to the level of riskto be taken to achieve those goals, personal investment successbecomes difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.

Building wealth and protecting it from the effects of inflationand taxes are two major investment objectives common to almostevery investor. Some are more successful than others in achievingthese goals. If your wealth isn't growing because taxes andinflation are nibbling away at what you've accumulated, youneed to re-examine the ways you save and invest.

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