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What Trends Are Shaping Digital Publishing?

Photo by Antoni Shkraba | Pexels

In the rapidly changing world of digital publishing, we have collected viewpoints from editors and founders to predict the significant trends that will shape the industry over the next years. From the possibility of an increase in creating content best suited for audio channels to the strategic placement of valuable content behind paywalls, here are 16 innovative perspectives that have the potential to redefine the publishing landscape.

Editing for Audio Consumption

In my 10-plus years of experience in the industry, an emerging trend I've noticed in online publishing is editing with audio in mind. With audiobooks ranking as the fastest-growing segment within both traditional and online publishing, the Audio Publishers Association (APA) reports that audiobook revenue increased by 10% in 2022, taking the annual sales total to $1.8 billion. This is only set to increase in 2024 and beyond.

With more and more consumers turning to audiobooks (due to a blend of preference and other time commitments that make reading difficult to schedule in), the market size for audiobooks is set to reach USD 42,268.26 million by 2031.

Emma Sloan, Copywriter and Editor, The Wee Writer

Augmented Reality in Print

As someone who works in the travel industry, we rely on sharing the visual, and the more real, the better. This is why I believe that one notable trend that could significantly shape online publishing in the next decade is the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in print publications. Augmented Reality has the potential to transform static print materials into interactive and immersive experiences, bridging the gap between traditional and digital content consumption. It is a natural next layer that invites the audience to be a part of something further.

By embedding AR within the pages of a publication, readers can use smartphones to unlock a wealth of additional digital content. You are essentially purchasing a much more layered product, something that can re-engage a current audience and invite an entirely new one. For instance, scanning an image could trigger 3D animations, videos, or interactive elements—this not only provides readers with a more dynamic and enriched experience but also opens up new avenues for storytelling and advertising.

Audiences could be unveiling behind-the-scenes footage of a photo shoot, watching interviews with featured personalities, and essentially creating a YouTube channel within every magazine, drawing people back to this type of media.

Aiden Higgins, Senior Editor and Writer, The Broke Backpacker

Tailored Content Experiences

The continuous development of tailored content experiences is one trend that will likely influence online publishing in the ensuing 10 years. Advances in machine-learning algorithms and data analytics will allow publishers to more precisely customize content to each user's specific interests and preferences. In addition to increasing user interaction, this tailored strategy strengthens the bonds between publishers and their consumers.

To stay ahead of this trend, publishers will have to invest in sophisticated content recommendation systems and dynamic content delivery networks. By utilizing these technologies, publishers will be able to offer real-time recommendations for pertinent material based on user behavior analysis, accounting for browsing history, demographics, and past interactions. Publishers may increase reader satisfaction and retention rates by offering individualized content experiences to their readers.

Transparency and data protection must also be given top priority by publishers as online content becomes more customized. Setting up explicit guidelines for data collection and use is crucial, as is giving users control over their privacy settings. Publishers can ensure the success of their personalized content strategy and cultivate enduring relationships with their audience by upholding user privacy and establishing trust.

Shawn Manaher, Founder, The Content Authority

Ephemeral Content Boosts Engagement

The adoption of ephemeral content, which disappears after a short period, will become a strategic tool for online publishers seeking to boost engagement. This content type, popularized by social media platforms, encourages more immediate and frequent interaction from the audience, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

In my opinion, publishers can use ephemeral content to highlight behind-the-scenes looks, limited-time offers, or exclusive insights, fostering a closer and more dynamic relationship with their audience. This trend capitalizes on the audience's desire for fresh, timely content and can lead to increased loyalty and engagement rates.

Bert Hofhuis, Founder, Every Investor

Voice Search Optimization

Online publishing is about to undergo a major transformation thanks to voice search optimization. Online users' methods of finding information are changing as voice-activated gadgets and smart speakers become more commonplace in homes across the globe. For their material to be visible in this changing search environment, publishers will need to modify content so that it is more voice search-friendly, emphasizing natural language and question-based searches.

This trend necessitates a deeper understanding of conversational AI and its integration into content strategy. Publishers will have to prioritize content that answers direct questions, as voice search typically seeks concise, authoritative responses. This shift could lead to a more streamlined FAQ-style content presentation, making information easily accessible through voice queries.

Furthermore, in order to meet the needs of the growing number of people who would rather listen than read, publishers will be encouraged to invest in audio material, such as podcasts and audio articles, as voice search optimization gains popularity. This combined emphasis on voice-optimized written material and audio products will improve accessibility and create new opportunities for more direct and intimate audience engagement.

Vincent Iachetta Jr., President, Peppermonkey Media

Value of Human Authorship

Due to the increasingly valuable outputs of AI systems, human authorship will be equally important to viewers for certain types of writing: editorial, review, and recommendations, investigative journalism, medical research, scientific research, and stories of all kinds. Real people and their words and ideas will be valued over AI system-generated output.

While it will be challenging to manage this change in the near term, real people will value real people's ideas. Some publications will lean into AI-generated content, and for lots of types of content, this will be okay. There will also be other publications that will find an edge through human-crafted thought and language and building trust in human authorship.

We can already see this happening in the world of journalism, with independent journalism continuing to rise and grow readership outside the boundaries of legacy media editorial guidelines.

Keith Evans, Founder, Keith Evans Photography

Authenticity Over AI Content

People are going to want more authenticity! It has become so easy to generate content with artificial intelligence that every publisher and website can create and publish professional-looking content without much effort. However, humans desire human connection, and most generated content is unable to communicate the human experience in a way that resonates deeply with readers.

It is the imperfections, the emotions, the real-life stories and struggles, and the unique perspectives that make the best content truly compelling and memorable. As we move forward, I believe the craving for these genuine human connections will only intensify, pushing publishers and content creators to prioritize authenticity over sheer volume or surface-level polish.

Zames Chew, Co-Founder, Repairs.sg

Data-Driven Financial Journalism

As a finance editor, I believe online publications will lean into more data-driven journalism over the next decade. With advances in big data and AI, publishers can generate data visualizations, interactive charts, and customized market analysis on demand. This shift toward dynamic, personalized business insights will allow financial publications to deliver more value to readers. The ability to crunch numbers and spot emerging trends will define publishers who thrive in the 2020s and beyond.

Robert Samuels, Editor, Value of Stocks

Rise of Individual Creators

The biggest trend in online publishing is the shift from consumers following brands (i.e., publishers) to following individual creators. People follow people more than ever before in history. Ben Thompson's Stratechery is an example of a one-man show with thousands of paying subscribers who want to hear what Ben has to say about the latest developments in the world of technology.

The Athletic is a publisher that has basically signed key sports journalists to the platform for a new kind of sports journalism. There are tons of platforms out there such as Substack, Medium, and Patreon, that are tapping into this trend as well. Despite this rise, most online publishers still haven't embraced the power of creators and incorporated this tectonic shift into their business models and journalistic workflows.

Jordan Hollander, CEO, HotelTechReport

Personalized Content Delivery

In my experience, one emerging trend that I've noticed shaping online publishing is the growing emphasis on personalized content delivery. Thanks to advancements in machine learning and data analysis, we at our company now have the capability to customize content based on individual preferences, interests, and browsing habits. This personalized approach, in my opinion, not only improves user experience by offering relevant and captivating content but also empowers us to more effectively reach our target audience, boost engagement, and generate revenue through targeted advertising and subscription models. Reflecting on my own experiences, I can say that as technology continues to progress, we can anticipate the development of increasingly sophisticated algorithms and methods for delivering tailored content, revolutionizing how information is accessed and disseminated online.

Carl Panepinto, Co-Owner, Assertive Media

Immersive Story Experiences

In my experience, one trend that could shape online publishing in the next decade is the rise of interactive and immersive content. As virtual and augmented reality technologies become more mainstream, I believe we'll see more online content providers experimenting with creating immersive, interactive story experiences. This could allow readers to actively explore stories and worlds in new dimensions. The technology for AR/VR content creation is becoming more accessible and affordable every year, and consumer interest in these futuristic storytelling formats continues to grow.

The next generation of readers will expect content to be more than static words on a page; they'll want stories they can step into and engage with on a sensory level. So, developing competency in crafting immersive narratives could become a key skill set for online publishers who want to capture youth audiences in the years ahead.

Colin Macmillan, Founder, Curbwise.ca

Voice Technology and Audio Content

In my experience, one trend that will shape online publishing in the next decade is the rise of voice technology and audio content. More and more people are listening to podcasts and audiobooks and using voice assistants in their daily lives. This means publishers need to focus on creating compelling audio content to reach their audiences.

For example, when I worked at a major magazine, we launched an entire podcast network to expand our reach. The podcasts allowed us to tell stories in new, intimate ways while also accessing a massive group of listeners. It was a major shift in strategy, but audio is only going to become more ubiquitous. Publishers who embrace voice and audio now will have a huge advantage in the years to come.

Jason Hunt, CMO and Co-founder, Merged Media

Progressive Web Apps Enhance Accessibility

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), I believe, are set to transform online publishing by offering an app-like experience directly from a web browser. PWAs load quickly, work offline, and can send push notifications, enhancing the user experience and engagement. For publishers, PWAs represent an opportunity to bypass app store fees and limitations, directly reaching their audience through the web. This trend could significantly impact how content is distributed and consumed, making it more accessible and engaging for readers worldwide.

Jeremy Scott Foster, Founder, TravelFreak

Interactive and Immersive Content

One trend poised to redefine online publishing in the next decade is the surge of interactive and immersive content. As technology evolves, we're moving beyond mere text on a screen to experiences where augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 3D formats play pivotal roles. This shift promises to blur the lines between fiction and reality, offering readers a deeper, more engaging interaction with content.

Imagine reading a historical novel and being able to explore ancient Rome in VR or studying a biology textbook through interactive 3D models of human anatomy. This isn't just about novelty; it's about creating a more profound connection with the material. As these technologies become more accessible, publishers will likely embrace them, transforming how we consume and interact with digital content.

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

High-Value Content Behind Paywalls

With the number of centralized apps holding content hostage, decreasing ad revenue, and content oversaturation, we can expect more de-platformization, owned channels, and omnipresence. More importantly, there's the trend of hiding high-value content behind paywalls. The market is reaching a level of sophistication that makes it privy to various tools and resources, which no longer require reliance on these platforms for monetization. They will, at most, only be used as a traffic mechanism to funnel audiences into their own ecosystems.

Brendan Aw, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, brendanaw.com

Video Content and Covers

I believe that we may soon witness the rise of video content and video covers in online publishing. Over recent years, marketing teams have recognized the significant impact of video content and covers in engaging with consumers.

However, it's not only marketing experts who are acknowledging the power of video content. Consumers are increasingly expressing a desire for more video content from the brands they follow. The audience interest in video content is higher than ever, with the popularity of short-form videos like TikToks soaring, presenting growth opportunities and value for brands.

These audiences are also often using multiple devices at once, making it increasingly difficult to capture and maintain their attention. Short-form videos are emerging as an effective method to keep readers engaged, and even platforms like TikTok are beginning to explore longer video formats, driven by the growing popularity of video content.

Now, digital publishers have the opportunity to incorporate this form of content into their publications. Given that both marketers and consumers are embracing video content, digital publishers should consider integrating this medium into their digital offerings. Video covers, for instance, are a clever strategy to immediately capture readers' attention—some are even reminiscent of movie trailers. Digital publications provide publishers with the chance to go beyond traditional magazine and newspaper formats, offering users a memorable experience that extends beyond what can be printed and published on paper.

Antoinette Jackson, Creative Director & Founder, SuperBee