Proptech: Game Changer in Real Estate
Real estate sector may be in the doldrums but proptech offers a ray of sunshine
How Co-Working is Bringing Fortunes for Startups, Enterprises
As the new disruptors of traditional offices, co-working spaces are now much in demand, thanks to an increase in start-ups that do not wish to invest huge amounts in office premises and a rising generation of people who work while on the move.
Decoding the Ideal Workspace for Millennials
Collaborative workspaces are tastefully designed to cater to the needs of employees that range from millennials to Gen Z
A Coworking Federation - Is There a Need?
The need of the hour for such an association would be to Increase and promote awareness of the Coworking Industry in India
#5 Upcoming Trends in 2017 that Co-working Spaces Should Prepare for
The co-working spaces provide a comfortable working environment, besides taking care of other factors like flexibility and cost effectiveness.
Boosting Infrastructure: Setting Up a Meeting Outside Your Office is Not a Pain Anymore
Accommodating the need of mobile working