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6 Crucial Things to Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting Service Here's how to avoid making the wrong choice when it comes to web hosting services.

By Godwin Oluponmile Edited by Chelsea Brown

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

As an entrepreneur, you planned to build a profitable income machine online, but this income-building sits on a time bomb if it is built with a quaky web hosting company. Making the wrong choice when it comes to a web hosting service can cripple the user experience. An ugly website experience easily frustrates buyers. Especially when they have other options, they'll choose to abandon your brand's unique offer. For instance, you lose 7% conversion for every one-second delay in web load speed. Revenue keeps going down. Google exposed how 53% of users abandon every website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Many famous and respected web hosting services that can impede a brand's goals and aspirations are still around. Website owners don't pay enough attention to the impact popular hosting services have on websites before patronizing these services. Load speed alone? The impact web hosting has on a website goes beyond how smooth and fast a site loads. In this article, you'll find out various consequences and effects the web hosting you choose can have on your website's performance. Here they are below:

Related: Find a Web Hosting Plan That Works for Your Business's Budget

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