
150sec offers the best news about emerging technology, events, entrepreneurs and investors and continues to report on the growing influence of the CEE region.

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Business News

What Could the Internet of Things Mean for Central and Eastern Europe?

This tech trend is an opportunity for emerging markets in Europe and beyond.

Business News

Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans: The Next Frontier?

The region stands to gain from the burgeoning entrepreneurship scene.

Business News

Crypto Regulation Clarity Emerging in Eastern Europe

Here's a look at the current status of regulation and approach to cryptocurrency being taken by the various governments in the Eastern European states.

Business News

Explained: The EU 'Digital Tax' Scramble

What was planned as a much-needed success story of cooperation among European member states is starting to disintegrate into a political scramble.

Business News

The Untapped Potential of Serbia's Entrepreneurial Scene

Although just 10 of Serbia's companies were ranked in the top 500 in the region, this does not mean that Serbia hasn't got the capacity to facilitate entrepreneurial growth going forward.

Business News

Is Ukraine on the Way to Becoming Cashless?

In the first six months of this year, the number of cashless transactions spiked in the country.