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To Be a Better Business Leader, Travel

For many entrepreneurs, travel is simply a necessary part of business. But with the right mindset, travel can also offer you a number of competitive advantages-by challenging everything from the way you think, operate your business and manage your time-for the better.

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Inspiring Travel Stories: Entrepreneurs Share their Favorite Destinations in Asia

From Thailand to India, Laos to Sri Lanka, Asia is full of travel spots that inspire globe-travelling business leaders. Here, four entrepreneurs tell us where they go when they want to broaden their perspectives.

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Getting Social in Asia

The Asia Pacific region is home to more than half of the world's social media users. In this infographic, you'll learn how-and why-to harness the power of the Asian social media movement for your own business.

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Travel Reads for the Long Haul

Fiction offers an in-depth introduction to any culture-and it's a great way to make a long flight feel shorter. On your way to Asia? Add these three books to your briefcase or e-reader.

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6 Ancient Sites Where You Can Find Inspiration

Business trips can leave you stressed and harried, especially when you're jetlagged from traveling halfway around the world. Visiting these breathtaking sites can rejuvenate you and help you find your Zen.

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Building a Business Presence in Asia, Part 2: Partnering for Success

For western companies, the Asian market can be tough to break into. Here's why the Chinese notion of "guanxi," or "relationship," is critical for business success in the Far East.
