Agile Innovations

Growth Strategies

No, Sticky Notes Are Not Your Secret to Success

Enterprises hoping to learn from start-ups don't go too far beyond the idea of using Post-it notes as a stand-in for new ways of thinking

Growth Strategies

7 Ways To Stay Agile and Disruptive From Sasfin CEO, Michael Sassoon

Instead of following the bigger players in the banking industry, Sasfin is creating its own path, based largely on the mindset that bigger isn't always better. Michael Sassoon unpacks the thinking behind staying agile as well as building products and offering solutions that meet customer needs.


1 Unique Trait That Will Define Your Next Linchpin Employee

Hint: This unique trait is not emotional intelligence (though that's a good thing, too).


How Can Agile Innovation Help in Marketing?

It is a process of taking very bold ambitions and breaking them down into the pieces of tasks to focus on them individually.