Business Mantra
I Built a Billion-Dollar Business in Just 10 Years, And These Are the 9 Mantras I Live By
This excerpt from my forthcoming book offers exclusive insights into the gritty (not glamorous) details of building The Agency from an idea to a billion-dollar global brokerage.
The 3 Power Words All Entrepreneurs Need to Memorize
You'll need to remember these to handle tough situations on the journey to success.
How To Create 'Momentum Moments' And Increase Sales 10-fold
It is a period of 30 minutes where you are incredibly focused on producing outcomes that move your business forward
Climbing The Ladder Of Success
One of the common denominators to achieving success is discipline. Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger you become
Persistence Could Save your Business from Risks
Being the founder of a startup, one has to be aware of the mistakes they can afford to make and take calculated risks
As SRK Turns 51, We Will Tell You What You Can Learn From This Star Entrepreneur
Want to do business? Then do it in SRK way
My Business Mantra Set In Stone
Your decisions on the way will change on your entrepreneurial journey, but one thing that must remain is your approach towards your business