Business sale

Growing a Business

Sell Your Company When You Least Expect It — How to Properly Scale and Sell Your Business

Many small business owners struggle with expanding without sacrificing quality. Whether you're running a service-based or product-based company, following a few essential steps is key to scaling your business effectively while maintaining consistency.

Business Ideas

3 Essential Tactics You Need Do to Help Your Company Sell

Entrepreneurs should start thinking about sellability sooner rather than later.

Business News

Selling Your Business? Do These 6 Things Right Now.

If you want the maximum price you need to make these moves before you do anything else.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

The Pros and Cons of Franchise Resales

Buying a ready-made business comes with some perks -- and possibly obstacles.

Growth Strategies

Four Ways To Better Your Business's Chances Of A Successful Exit

Selling your business can be one of the most financially rewarding, yet stressful events in your life.