Collaborative Economy

News and Trends

5 Reasons Why Early Stage Entrepreneurs are Opting for Co-working Spaces

The rise of co-working spaces is a cardinal breakaway from conventional business culture that prized isolation over collaboration for entrepreneurial inspiration

Data & Recovery

The Future of Collaborative Business

Connectivity, constant and ubiquitous, is changing business, work and ordinary life.

Growing a Business

How the Next Five Years Will Revolutionize Business

The years until 2020 are poised to redefine almost every facet of how we work, from the way we run customer service to the way we build our businesses.

Money & Finance

The Sharing Economy Holds Promise for More Goods to Be Offered at Near Zero Marginal Cost

The emerging Internet of Things and tech advances will allow for pooling of resources, greater productivity, a smaller income divide and environmental benefits.

Growing a Business

The Balancing Act: Sharing Data Versus Guarding Trade Secrets

Companies are grappling with how to foster collaboration inside and outside the organization while protecting proprietary information.


Sharing Economy Offers Business Travelers More Options (and Hassles)

The collaborative economy offers additional alternatives to tech-savvy business travelers willing to forgo the typical work trip experience.